Days of Young

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I miss the days of young. Mistakes could be made. Now it feels as if society watches you and expects you to be perfect. But yet, they have made mistakes too in their past. Everyone is human, yeah? Emotions and feelings are such a weird construct, you can never actually know how other people are feeling. You can think 'they feel it how i do, right?' but that's the thing. Your thoughts and feelings solely are based on who you are, and who you are stems from a long complicated time line of who knows what. Everyone has different timelines. Everyone experiences life in their own unique way. It is a weird thought to actually try and put yourself away in someone else's mindset. You may ask 'how could they act like that?' for numerous things they do, but that's the weird part of being human. You never really know why some people are the way they are. But you have to think about how you lived your own life, how that shaped you into who you are today. They lived their life, and it led them to have those tendencies. Some people drink, some people do drugs, some meditate. Its a way to escape. I don't want to constantly be high, or constantly a drunk. Some people though are, that's the escape they have found. It works for some people, and you have to think about how they grew up. Your environment growing up is what makes you who you are once you turn into an adult. It almost is your forever 'backstory' because no matter how old you are, you will remember your childhood the most. Its where you're vulnerable, you pick up your personality almost from what is around you. Life is so simple in early childhood so its easy to grab onto the little things that pop up. Whether its a controlling dad, an alcoholic mother, or parents who just weren't parents at all. Some people are born into the textbook 'perfect family' and they grow up fine, yeah lucky them. Some people get to do that, but humans are fragile. Human conscious is such a weird thing that has so many factors to it. Is the sadness you feel the same sadness the person next to you feels? Is the happiness you feel the same happiness the person next to you feels? Some people can simply not feel certain emotions. Its like trying to imagine how it would feel to never feel happy. Like that is such a core feeling for a lot of people, so that's hard to imagine. Some people are different. The brain is a complicated web of matter that does everything itself, and human consciousness is just a byproduct. You can't really disassociate and put your mind into something like a dog, but yet that is also something that has a brain, like the human brain. Albeit a little different. We are a mess of mush piloting a mechanical mess of bones and muscles and tendons, originally at the core of our evolution, meant to survive. Compare a human now to a human thousands of years ago, and they aren't too different. Cultures grow. Technology evolves. We are a weird pile of mush that mistakenly grew consciousness and became self aware. Human consciousness brings in factors of being self aware. Being able to learn. Having free thought. In a thousand years we will be in history books. What we as individuals did will not matter at all. The main achievements of our times will be forever known and taught, human kind will continue to evolve in ways we can't imagine. Even 100 years ago they tried imagining the future, some things were right but for the most part they did not know what was actually possible. A hundred years from now technology and life could be so vastly different. But everything still matters in the moment. You wont remember when you're 80 and thinking back on life, even in a year you might look back with today as a simple distant memory. That's the fun part about consciousness. Will we really care 5 years down the road? That's why its nice to do drugs, drink, smoke, fuck around. You can have fun and do the things you're curious about. Because again, will i really care a year down the road? It inevitably will turn into a memory of the past. Enjoy the little things in life, the people around you, the experiences you have. Because in the end, that's all that really matters. The memories, the moments that you hold close to your heart. Don't worry about being perfect, don't worry about what other people think. We are all just trying to navigate this crazy thing called life. Just be kind, be compassionate, and always strive to be the best version of yourself. Life is too short to not enjoy it to the fullest. So go out there and live your life, make mistakes, learn from them, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Life always manages to go on, constantly creating new memories. As long as no one is getting hurt or harmed in any way, why not have fun in life? Why not let your mind be free and devious. You're only human, with human tendencies, primal tendencies, so called 'deviant' tendencies to some, but normal culture for others. Humans are fragile. Our culture defines us. Things can change easily. A small habit on the occasional Monday night can turn into an everyday thing a few months down the line. Humans are fragile in the ways that you never really know. Everybody grew up different, everybody has parents that in some way dictated who they became later on in life. You grasp onto everything. You grasp onto it especially when you're exposed to it daily. Something that to anybody else might make them go 'what the absolute fuck' but something that to you seems normal because that's just simply how life is. You get used to it. Life goes on, time can only move forward. You can try to stop it, but the seconds tick by, the minutes, the days, the months, the years. Time never stops moving forward. There will always be a tomorrow. A tomorrow after that. All the way until a year goes by without you even realizing until you sit there and everything comes to focus, time almost does stop for a minute. You realize how far you have came. There will always be a tomorrow. Some day there wont be, but that's a problem for tomorrow. 

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