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*Two years have past and not much has changed. Danni is still funny and living her best life. Angela done got her a new lil boo and they live together now. Andi is single and living her best life. Fatima on the other hand is still with Ian but things are really rocky right now with them. Ian has been cheating on Fatima for a while now but everything was finna take a turn while Fatima and Angela are in the coffee shop.

Angela: Girl let me tell you about Bryce he done bought me a new car boo!

Fatima: Oh shit now I see someone doing they thing over there.

Angela: Man Fatima i can't lie to you I really am in love with this man.

Fatima: Girl it's nothing wrong with that I just wish me and Ian can get back on track.

Angela: Sis maybe it's time for y'all to call it quits. He done cheated twice you deserve so much better girl.

Fatima: Yes I know i know but I love that man girl. Like he is my first everything you know it's hard to call it quits and start over with someone else.

Angela: Girl I understand that shit oh hell Fatima girl I think this is a sign from God.

Fatima: Bitch what are you talking about why you say that for?

Angela: Bitch I think I see Zac over there.

Fatima: who the hell is Zac and where?

Angela: Girl look at the counter in the suit ordering coffee.

Fatima: Omg girl that is Zac! *biting her lip* damn he look even better. He done grew that beard out more and he put on some muscles.

Angela: Bitch what are you waiting on go over there and talk to that man.

Fatima: Girl I'm not doing that hell naw and why is he here I thought he lives in New York or somewhere like that?

Angela: Idk girl but I'm finna call his fine ass over.

Fatima: Girl no please don't! I haven't talk to him since we was in Vegas.

Angela: So girl that was so long ago and you need some new.

Fatima: Angela please no he probably here on business or some. Oh shit girl Ian just walked through the door what the fuck.

Angela: Bitch you gotta be fucking kidding me right.

Ian: Wassup baby?

Fatima: Hey baby what are you doing here I thought you was at work?

Ian: I am I just came to get some coffee that's all. How are you doing today Angela?

Angela: I'm doing good Ian thank you for asking bastard.

Ian: Excuse me?

Fatima: Baby you know she call all men that don't take it to heart right Angela.

Angela: Yea sorry if I offended you Ian it was just a joke.

Ian: It's ok Angela I know you don't really care for me but I hope one day we can be cool.

Fatima: How is work going for you baby?

Ian: It's going good baby I just got out of a 2 hour Zoom call I had to get some to wake me up.

Fatima: Ok baby well I will see you at home ok.

Ian: Ok baby I love you enjoy the rest of your day and you do the same Angela.

Angela: Yea you too Ian.

*Ian gets his coffee and leaves Zac is sitting at a table towards the back. Fatima and Angela gotta get back to work soon as she stands up she heard her name called.

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