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*The women go back in the building just talking and laughing about they little outing with the guys. They went in Fatima office and sat on her couch so she could feel Andi in on what's going on now.

Fatima: Girl that damn food was so good Zac got some good taste in food.

Andi: Girl to hell with the food what got you all sad and shit?

Fatima: first of all I'm not sad I'm just umm well ok maybe I'm a little sad ok.

Andi: Well duh Stevie wonder could see that now tell me why. Hold on tell me what did Ian do to you now.

Fatima: Hold wait Andi how do you know Ian did some it could have been someone else why you suspect him huh?

Andi: Fatima we talking about you sis you don't let nobody throw you off but Ian. So tell me what that nigga did now you know this is a safe space no judgment.

Fatima: Ian is gone out of town on business again girl. Plus he went to the doctor today and he got a clean bill of health.

Andi: Ok Ian been going out of town and don't you want him to have a clean bill of health. I mean I know I don't but that's me what's your reason.

Fatima: It's not that we haven't had sex in 5 months Andi like nothing he have not touched me. Anytime I try to touch him he don't get hard or nothing am I ugly or some?

Andi: Let me see your hand for a second Fatima please.

*Fatima give Andi her hand POP*

Fatima: Ouch Andi what the fuck was that for it sting like hell?

Andi: Good it should sting all day hell Fatima ain't shit wrong with you baby you a bad bitch. Hell any Nigga on this earth can see you a bad bitch don't you ever play yourself short again do you hear me. If that nigga can't keep that dick up get you a Nigga like Zac that can keep that dick up until you hick up.

Fatima laughing: Andi girl I love you so much you know that you always tell me the real and that's what I need.

Andi: Good now are you finna call Zac to get some of that good good or what?

Fatima: No I'm not but if I get single he will be the first person I call.

Andi: I see now that you a hard headed ass girl I know you gone call him.

Fatima: What how I'm gone call somebody with no number huh?

Andi: Ohhhh Pinocchio your nose gone grow if you keep lying. I seen him put your phone back down on the desk so tell that lie to someone else.

Fatima: Damn girl you in the wrong profession you should be a fucking detective with your nosey ass.

Andi: That's right don't shit get passed me unless I want it too.

Fatima: Shid I see well I'm finna get back to work so I can go home and relax.

Andi: And call Zac girl damn you might as well hell yo limp noodle out of town.

Fatima: Andi?

Andi: Ok I'm sorry that was out of pocket I know you love that no good....

Fatima: ANDI

Andi: Ok ok I'm done damn bye I'm finna get back to work. Now I got a new case thanks to our lil boo's.

*Andi hurry up and got up before Fatima could get her for saying that. They both finished they work for the day and left work a little early. Fatima decided to go and do a little shopping at target before going home. She did some window shopping which always made her feel better. She got home and put all the stuff she bought away she went upstairs to change into something comfortable she put on biker shorts and a sports bra. She grabbed her a snack and went to the couch to call Ian.

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