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TWO years. Aayana James had been going to the greenhouse academy for two straight years before any trouble showed up. Before the feeling of fear of worried touched her soft heart.

FOUR months. It took aayana four months to find away to hide her feelings for parker grant in any way possible without ruining her once perfect friendship with the boy.

SIX days. Aayana had Bern back at the greenhouse for six days without seeing him.

EIGHT hours. She had eight hours to mentally prepare herself to see him again.

"does my skirt look to short" ayanna questioned her friends looking in her clubhouse mirror, whilst softly tugging the ends to extend the length.

"no its not and if it was we'd all have to change because brookes is way shorter" sophie giggled standing next to the brownskined girl in the mirror adjusting her recently curled hair.

"hm okay" she hummed looking at herself in the mirror whilst pumping her lips to admire her glossed mouth.

"not to rush you guys but the eagles tryouts are soon and I need to borrow my good lock charm" daniel said interrupting their conversation whilst slowly leaning down to place a quick peck on brookes mouth.

Ayanna always admired their relationship. It was perfect. They always had eachothers backs good or bad terms and they were both respected in the greenhouse.

"mkay ill see you in twenty i just have to finish a few things" she hummed whilst holding onto his waist.

"Parker come here and say hi to ayannaaa" Daniel tested smirking at her.

Daniel always had a feeling that ayanna and Parker had a thing for eachother. Even if none of them had specially said anything to him it was just what he wanted. The perfect double date. Two best friends. Even if it took a year of teasing he was going to make it happen.

"Stop it daniel" she cringed whilst doing an akward laugh showing her dimples.

"Im playing with you anna he's not here yet but when you do see him I wanna see some action" he said whilst walking away spinning the basketball that was once on his hand on his finger.

She didn't respond. She mearly just smiled to herself whilst packing up her make up back to return it to her locker.

"guys i gotta go ill see you later okay?" She said to the blonde and the brunette.

"Hm yeah okay don't accidentally run into you know who" sophie teased.

"Mhm yeah yeah" she roller her eyes unamused.

They were just friends, right?

an :

hey guys sorry i am active on my account I do read messages I just forgot about this book but I am updating right now !!

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