Voices In My Head

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Chris' POV-

It is finally time. Motionless in White is going to Wichita, Kansas. We all prepare our gear to go to Kansas. We were ready to have another amazing concert with our amazing fans. We all got very excited to see our lovely fans again.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulders. As I looked to see who it was, I heard voices in my head telling me not to go to Kansas.. I brushed it off and checked who tapped my shoulder. It was Vinny. I smiled and said, "Hey Vin, do you need me?". Vinny shrugged and said, "Honestly.. I don't feel right about this show. I don't know why but it feels like something is off about Kansas..". I heard Ryan call for Vinny, so he walked away. I was so confused on what Vinny was talking about. What's going to be so bad about Kansas? I continued packing until I heard the voices again. I got frustrated and slammed the things I was holding in my hand on the table. Everyone looked at me while I sat there, frustrated.

I heard someone sit down next to me. By the voice, I could tell that it's Ricky. Ricky said, "Hey Chris, are you ok? You seem frustrated about something. What's up?". I let out a big sigh and said, "Ricky, you might find this silly.. but I'm being 100% honest when I tell you this. I keep hearing these voices in my head telling me not to go to Kansas. I brushed it off but then Vinny came over to me and told me that he felt something off about going to Kansas. I just don't get it.. what's so bad about Kansas? Why do I keep hearing voices? I need to know..". Ricky looked at the ground and said, "Maybe you two are just a bit nervous and stressed about this. I'm sure it's just nothing. I don't think it's anything too serious. Don't worry Chris.". I smiled and shrugged it off. Maybe Ricky's right. Maybe it's just me being nervous about going to Kansas.

We all got on the tour bus and got comfortable. Everyone's stuff was safe in another room. We all had a good time talking to each other. Vinny looked around and said, "Hey guys, do any of you feel like something's a bit off about going to Kansas? I've had a feeling that something just isn't right.". Justin and Ryan looked at each other and shook their heads, Ricky said no, and I sat there, thinking about the voices. I was so concentrated on my thoughts that I didn't realize Ryan was calling my name. Ricky nudged me and I snapped out of it and said, "Huh?". Ryan said, "Finally, you came back. Anyways, how are you feeling about going to Kansas?". I was about to say something until...

"Chris, listen to me.
Don't go to Kansas.
It's not worth it.
Get up and tell the driver to turn.
Kansas is not safe.
You guys are in danger.
Turn back.
Make your decision."

I felt Ricky shake me and say, "Chris! What's wrong?! What happened?!". I snapped out of it and started to catch my breath. Ricky sighs and says, "Chris, are you ok? You were about to talk until you stopped and didn't breathe or anything.". I said, "It's the voices again.. I don't think I'm just nervous or stressed Ricky. I think there's something going on. These voices.. keep coming back. This has never happened before. Even Vinny doesn't feel great about going to Kansas.". Justin looked down and said, "Honestly, I don't know if it's a good idea to go to Kansas anymore.. considering two of our members don't feel comfortable. But.. we don't want to upset our fans.". Vinny nodded and said, "Yeah.. we don't want our fans to be upset because of something that could possibly be nothing. Chris, I know you're having those voices in your head.. but I'm sure it'll go away when we're at Kansas?". I decided to say, "Maybe you're right Vin. I'm sorry everyone for this weird experience. This has just never happened to me before..". They all told me that it's ok. I smiled and cleared my mind off of everything. I just need to focus on performing for our fans. We all started talking to each other again, having fun like we usually do.

The voices kept getting louder and louder. They're practically screaming at me telling me that I'm making a bad decision. I sat there, not saying anything.. until I felt Ryan and Justin's hands on my shoulders, comforting me. I looked at both of them with a big smile. Maybe Kansas won't be as bad as I think. I looked out the window just to keep me from thinking of things. I heard someone walking over to me and sat down next to me. This tour bus sure does have lots of space to walk around. I noticed it was Vinny. Vinny looked over at me and said, "Chris, I know you have the same feeling as me about going to Kansas. Let's talk about it.". I nodded and said, "As I've said, I keep hearing these voices in my head that tell me not to go to Kansas and that it's not worth it? It's also telling me we're in danger. But I just don't understand.. What's so bad about Kansas? Why do we both feel uneasy about going there? The others don't feel anything, but we do. Something isn't right, Vinny.". Vinny sighed and looked me in the eye and said, "Do you think something bad is going to happen to us when we get there? If so, then I don't want to go.". I nodded. We both talked about it for a bit until we heard Justin come over to us. We both looked at Justin while he said, "Hey, it's getting pretty late. We all should probably go to bed now. We don't want to be tired while we perform, right? Anyways, we'll be heading off to sleep now. Good night guys.". We waved to Justin as he walked away. Me and Vinny looked at each other for a minute.. until Vinny said, "Well, I think I'm going to go too. I'd suggest for you to rest too. See you tomorrow Chris.". I see Vinny get up and go to bed. I decided to listen to Vinny and head off to sleep too.


First published story! I'm actually very proud of this story so far! Chapter 2 is still being worked on. I've started it, it's going good. I promise I'll publish chapter 2 soon! Updates for this book might take a while since I am kinda lazy and I usually forget to write the chapters. But yeah, I'll update it asap. Hope you enjoyed. 🖤

(This chapter has been done since the day they were going to Wichita, Kansas btw.)

Word count: 1164

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