They're Pulling Me Under...

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Chris' POV-

      We got to Kansas and it seemed pretty fine. Nothing seems wrong about it. We all got our gear out of the tour bus and on the stage. We were excited to perform. As I looked around at our fans, they seemed really excited.. Well, of course they'd be excited! They paid to be here. I went to the microphone, but as I looked at the crowd, they booed at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Ricky's hand on my shoulder as him, Vinny, and Ryan were looking at me. Ricky said, "You should've listened to the voice, Chris.". Vinny shakes his head and says, "This is all your fault Chris. You're the reason all of this happened." I was confused.. What happened?! I looked at Justin, and my heart sunk. He.. he's injured. I panicked and said, "What happened?!". Ryan said, "Oh, Chris, you didn't listen to the voice. This is what you get for not listening.". Suddenly.. everything went pitch black..

      I woke up instantly. My breathing started getting heavy. I looked around to see if it was actually a dream. I quickly looked over at Justin too. I saw that everyone was fine and sleeping. I let out a quiet sigh and smiled. I decided to get up without waking anyone up.. or so I thought I didn't. I went to the couch and sat down. I stared out the window for a bit. I started to wonder.. Why do these damn voices keep coming back? This shit has never happened to me before.. So what the hell is this? I was so lost in thought again I didn't hear someone ask me a question. I felt someone shaking me so I jumped and looked at who it was.. it was Ricky. I sighed and looked back out the window. Ricky sat down next to me and said, "Ok Chris, what's wrong? You've been off this whole time. If it's about the voice.. you really need to get over it. We're going to Kansas no matter what. We can't cancel the show just because you are hearing voices. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I'm not trying to be, but you have to toughen up. Our fans are waiting for us to arrive. Now come on.. let's go sleep now.". I shrugged and nodded. We both got to our beds and slept.

      As morning hits, we all wake up.. except me. I was looking around and I saw a familiar figure.. I went closer to him and said, "Hello? Where the hell am I..?!". As he turned around.. my heart sank. It's.. it's him. He smiled widely and said, "Oh Chris, you should've listened to me. You should've turned the tour bus around. You just put your life in danger.". I didn't believe it.. I turned around and saw Kansas.. nobody was around. I looked at the ground and my heart sank. The band.. they got hurt. I panicked and started shaking each of them saying, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!! God dammit! Please.. Wake up..". I started crying. I clenched my fist and looked at.. him. He started laughing hysterically and I had it. I ran over to him and tried punching him. He disappeared.. how..? I saw him reappear behind me. I kept trying to attack but he kept disappearing. What the fuck is happening..

      I felt someone violently shaking me. I woke up while hearing someone say, "God dammit, Chris, WAKE UP!" I got up quickly, my heart was pounding. I looked around and saw the boys looking at me with worried looks on their faces. I sighed and fell back on the bed. Justin seemed confused and worried, he said, “Chris, what happened?” I looked confused.. What was he talking about? He continued by saying, “You kept saying wake up.. it looked like you were panicking badly.“. I didn’t say a word to any of them, not even Ricky. I just layed there without saying a word. I knew they were all worried as fuck but I didn’t wanna talk to them right now.. I have a lot in mind right now. Ryan shrugged and said, “Guys, let’s leave him be for now. We can check up on him later.”. Justin and Vinny nodded and followed Ryan out. Ricky stood there for a few seconds then left. I was worried for myself and the rest of the band. I’m worried that I won’t perform great, or at all, when we get to Kansas.

      Ricky’s POV-

      I’m extremely worried for Chris. He needs to get his act together soon or else we won’t perform well at all. I’m not trying to be rude towards Chris, because I love him as a friend. He’s our singer for this band.. but these “voices” shit has to stop. I’m sure that he is just worried about the concert and that when he gets there he’ll be perfectly fine. I hate to say this about one of my best friends, but he’s so scared for nothing, he must be delusional. I sighed and went to the boys. They all were just talking, having fun. Vinny looked at me and smiled. He waved at me and told me to come sit with him.. I nodded and sat next to him. He said, “Hey Ricky! When we get to Kansas, wanna go to get snacks before the tour?”. I nodded and stared at the window. Vinny noticed something was up. He said, “Ricky, you ok? Is it because of Chris?”. I sighed and said, “Yep.. it's because of Chris. I don’t know why he’s acting like this. We’ve been through so many tours and now he is acting like this. I think that he’s just paranoid or something. Somethings going on with him.”. Vinny could hear the anger in my eyes, he put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Ricky, you need to calm down.. seriously. I’m actually.. going through the same feeling, but not the voices, but the worryness and the odd feeling about Kansas. We love to tour, and we’re happy to see our fans today.. but today is weird. Both me and Chris talked about it.. what if something bad is going to happen in Kansas? We’re both worried, Ricky.”.

      I started to question what Vinny meant by that. What could possibly go wrong in Kansas? We’ve never had anything bad happen to any of our other tours, so what can go bad about this one? I started thinking to myself, what if there is a bigger problem since both Vinny and Chris are feeling odd about this? I looked at Vinny and said, “I’m.. going to talk to Justin and Ryan. Stay here.”. Vinny nodded while I went into Justin and Ryan's room.. This tour bus has individual rooms for us which is amazing. They both looked at me while I said, “Guys, we need to discuss something. Now.”. They both looked at each other, with nervousness in their eyes. I needed to get to the bottom of this.


Btw I'm NOT trying to make Ricky look like a bitch, that's not my intentions. He's js getting a bit annoyed by it. He does not act like this in person. Just wanted to mention that!

Word Count: 1222

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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