Part 24- Your not a buzzkill.

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Wilbur and Quackity ended up binging some random netflix show before cooking.

They began making brownies and ended covered in brownie batter.

"Mi amor your covered in brownie batter." Quackity said.

"So are you." Wil smiled.

They made cookies and just hangout.


Wil walked through the door and waved to Phil.

Kristin walked in and saw Wil. "Hi wil, did you have fun?"

"Yeah! I made brownies and cookies, do you want one?" Wil said, holding out a container.

Phil looked slightly worried but reluctantly took one.

He took a few bites and smiled at Wilbur.

"It's good."

Wil smiled. "I'm gonna go find Techno and see if they want one."

"He's in his room". Kristin smiled as Wilbur left the room.

Phil took a few more bites of his brownie and then handed it to Kristin.

Kristin smiled weakly before hugging Phil.

"I'm sorry." Phil said quietly.

"It's ok."


Quackity <3

Do you wanna go to a party with me???


A party?
Schlatt's hosting a party
Wanna come?

Uhhh idk
I've never been to one before

That's ok!
You don't have to
And if we do go we can always leave

Uhh i'll ask Phil and Kristin but sure
D'know if Techno might go?

Idk he doesn't rrly like parties
U can ask them tho

Ok! I'll go ask Phil and Techno
When is it?

At schlatt's house
From 7 onwards
We can leave whenever tho

Mk i'll ask

Wil walked out his room and down the stairs.

"Dad?" Wil asked.

"Yeah?" Phil beamed as Wilbur walked into the living room.

"Schlatts having a party on friday from 7, Q want's me to go, can i?"

"Uhmm... we'll have to check with Kristin but i'm happy with it if you are." Phil said.

"Check what with me?" Kristin asked, walking into the room.

"Wil wants to go to a party." Phil said.

"Sure. There will be rules though." Kristin said.

"Ok! Thank you! I might not stay the whole time because i've never been to a party so i don't know if i'll like it. Also Q says i should ask Techno. He might not wanna go but i'll see because he can always leave."

"Yeah, don't be surprised if they don't wanna go though." Phil warned.

"Yeah, i'm not expecting them to say yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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