021. norman fucking rockwell

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— 021

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— 021. norman fucking rockwell —

DYLAN FELT AS IF she regretted coming with her sister. yes, she did wonder if conrad was truly ok but she also didn't wanna face jeremiah. after all he confessed his old love for her then promised nothing would change.

but it did. he shut her out as if it was her fault belly chose conrad. she shook off her thoughts as belly handed her a hot chocolate. she also carried in her hands coffee for her and jere.

dylan stayed silent as she overheard jeremiah hang up on belly mid sentence as she huffed then began walking. they awkwardly approached jeremiah as belly said hi and dylan just stood there.

"jeremiah.." dylan says casually as she sips her drink. "dylan.." he says back as belly offers him a coffee, he declines. dylan just rolls her eyes as she speaks under her breath. "your acting like a god damn man child." she mutters lowly.

"what does that mean?" he asks annoyed as they walk up the stairs. "it means you act like a kid even through you stand six foot two." she says as she opens a conrad's dorm room. they then began looking around as dylan just lay flat on conrad's bed, not wanting to deal with any of this.

just then a voice was heard as dylan sat up. "yo, dylan?" the boy says as dylan smiles. "trusky!" she says happily as she hugs him. "how do you know each other...?" jeremiah asks. "oh uh, conrad was always on the phone with her... and at first i was thinking it was his girl then he corrected me real quick. now she's both our lil sis." he says with a smile as dylan laughs softly.

"who are y'all?" he asks. "oh, i'm conrad younger brother. this is belly." jeremiah says as trusky's mouth opens. "ohh, that's you." he begins. dylan just tuned him out for a while as she fiddled with her d necklace.

she really hoped conrad had a good reason for all of this. just as she looked up she noticed belly signaling for them to leave. "where's connie?" she asks as they walk to jere's car. "he's at the beach house." jeremiah says as they pile into his car.

dylan stayed silent in the back for a while letting out an obnoxiously loud snicker as jeremiah told belly that him and conrad didn't speak to each other about her. she knew it was a bit rude so she just stayed quiet until she heard a pop.

jeremiah's tire was flat. he then said something about the tire on the back not being for decoration as dylan snickered at his stupidity. so far this had been one comedic trip.

she then rolled down the windows as belly tired to help jere. she couldn't stand their bickering. she then connected her phone to aux as she scrolled. she then turned the volume up as jere leaned in the car.

"what is this dylan?" he asks annoyed. "norman fucking rockwell?" she says as if jere was stupid to not know what it was as she lays in the backseat. jere just let out a huff as he went back to trying, but failing to change the tire. she could here yelling and arguing but that was the least of her worries as she disconnected the aux and connected her airpods instead.

she must've fallen asleep because when she reopened her eyes they were at the beach house. "oh, you're up. sorry we didn't get you any pie." belly apologizes. "y'all are cool now...?" dylan asks confused as she fixes her hair.

"yeah." belly says softly. "well jere looks like you've got one twin down, and another other to go." she says as she pats the back of the drivers seat before hopping out. she then opened the front door as she walked through.

"connie?" she said quietly to find the six foot something boy standing there looking frustrated. "hey lannie." he says softly as dylan scoffs and speaks up. "come here." she says as she walks over, engulfing the boy in a hug.

just as she pulls away jere's voice is heard. he goes on about conrad's school as conrad cuts him off. "fuck school, i don't care!" he says in a whiny voice as dylan tries to hold back a laugh. she obviously felt it wasn't the right moment.

conrad's whole body language then shifts as he takes sight to belly standing in the door frame. "what is she doing here?" he asks more directly to dylan. of course dylan wasn't an idiot.

and even if she was—which she could assure you she wasn't, belly had already told her what happened. she told her sister everything about the night she slept with conrad- maybe even too much.

no one answers conrad. jere just pushes on wanting to know why conrad did all of this.
"the house is for sale." he says, sending a shockwave through the room. "what?" dylan is the first to ask. "aunt julia is selling the house," he says as jere begins to freak out.

dylan stood there dazed. they were losing the house she grew up in and visited every summer. the house she found her first love in— where she got her heart broken by her first love. they were basically losing susannah all over again and it was all too much to process.

even for dylan.

i actually become a photographer for vogue when i see my man who's not my man in the halls

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