Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys, this chapter was more of a vent

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Hey guys, this chapter was more of a vent. I tried to keep it with the story, but it could be seen as a filler too...I apologize. The past few days have been very busy and rough. I just...haven't been able to accomplish something. It just seems like I'm not meant to do it. And I feel as though I've been in this rust for  nearly two years. Each time I'm close to escaping it, I fall back into it. My family tries to help, but when I grasp their hand I slip and fall. It's leading to something...I'm not sure what, but I hope it's good. 

And I don't have a way to vent. How badly I want to let everything out, but I physically can't. My body and mind have gotten so used to this...whatever this is, that I can't let anything out. And I keep getting reassured that it's okay to let it out. But I CAN'T.

My chest hurts, my head hurts, but I can't do anything about it.
But, it's fine! I'm fine! Just gotta worry about others, not myself.

Just one thing though....Scars, don't heal...

Anyways! Enough about me! 

Go on and read, enjoy the chapter :D


Crystal City, a once powerful and beautiful landmark. Now, it was nothing more than a battlefield. Explosions and gunfire were heard everywhere.

A cold shiver ran down Optimus' back strut as he stood before a dead Insecticon. His blades were covered in Energon. The blue substance beginning to stain the sharp weapons.

His azure optics were wide and filled with fear as he looked around before looking down at his left blade. His newly reformed frame shook when he heard someone walk up beside him.

"Why did you do it, Optimus?" The master Archivist asked slowly. He held an old looking book with a quill sticking out of it in his left servo.

"W-what do you mean Sir?" The newly made Prime turned to Alpha Trion.

"Why did you kill this being? Or the other Decepticons? You've offlined Decepticons for what reason?"

"There is a war. I've managed to be the cause of it...These Decepticons are harming my Autobots."



"What if I can't do it? Lead an army against the one mech who I considered a brother. It doesn't make any sense, the Decepticons are stronger than us. They have more technology, more resources. We're left with barely anything."

Alpha Trion set his right servo on Optimus' shoulder. He looked into the Primes' optics, "Primus chose you for a reason. Look at who you are, once an archivist who wished to change your home for the better. This may be a dark time right now, it may be like this for a long time...But, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Before you reach the end however, there will be obstacles, you'll wish to be destroyed at times."

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