Jealousy (Jerome's POV)

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Today started like any other. I was rudely woken up from my amazing dream about what I would do to terroize Gotham, with my doll of course, when I escaped from here. Then we were ushered to the Lunch Room to eat. And now we are sitting in the REC Room watching Rich whoop that idiot Greenwood's ass in chess. "Oh come on! How the fuck did I lose to an old man!" Greenwood yelled after losing to Rich for the tenth time this week."This old man is very intelligent Greenwood. You should know this by now." Rich said with a victourious looks on his face while setting up the board again. "You couldn't have let me win at least once?" Greenwood asked. "And lose to a numbskull like you? Never." Rich said back smugly causing Harley to laugh. "Yeah you should have known better Greenwood."  She said to him. "Oh, like you could do any better Harls." Greenwood said back standing up and moving. "Watch and learn losers." Harley said. By this time a noise from outside the room had grabbed my attention and I looked back over my shoulder. There stood a very wealthy looking blonde woman. What the fuck was a woman like her doing here, maybe she could be a good asset to the team. I watched as she walked away, thinking about how I could convice her to join us. I looked to my side and noticed that my gorgeous Harley wasn't sitting near me anymore. "Why'd you move doll?" I asked looking over to her. "Don't worry about it." She said not looking at me. I sarted getting both worried and aggravated at this point because I hadn't done anything to piss her off. "What the fuck did I do?" I asked. She banged her hands on the table while getting up which startled me a little bcause she had never acted like this before. "I said don't worry about it, instead why don't you worry about waiting for your blonde piece of eye candy to come back so you can stare a little more." She said while looking angry. Okay, what is going on with her. "What are you talking about Harls?" I asked also standing up. "Forget it." She said walking away from the table. We all called for her to come back but she just walked over to a bookshelf and then at down in the same spot I found her in when she first got here. "You are in deep shit now Jerome." Greenwood said while laughing. "I don't understand why she is being like this. I didn't even so anything." I said. "Now, don't play dumb Jerome, we all saw you eyeing that beautiful blonde woman." Rich said and that was the end of the conversation. I don't get why Harley would act like that about the blonde woman, she has nothing against my doll.

A couple of minutes passed and the blonde lady entered the REC Room, grabbed a magazine, and sat down at a table. Well it's time to put my plan into motion. I got up and started walking to her table while whistling. I hoisted myself up a little and sat down across from her. "Hi gorgeous. I'm Jerome." I said introducing myself. The blonde lady didn't look up at me and continuted flipping through the magazine as she said "Keep movin' ginger." This pissed me off a little and I said, through gritted teeth "Just being polite." "So what ya' in for?" i asked straight faced. "Killing my parents." She said. I turned to her and said "Oh. Me too, well mom anyhow. Liberating right? What a rush!" I said back putting on my best show to make her interested. She gave me a look and I knew it was time to drop it. "Yeah, alrighty then. Ya' see the big handsome fella staring at ya' like your fried chicken?" I asked as she looked over to Sionis. "Richard Sionis,. He's a millionare." I said finally realized I peaked her interest so I continued. "Got his own place, got a boat with a hot tub on it." I said with a fake British accent. "And he killed 25 people, just for fun." I laughed a little while looking at her. "So what?" She said whispering a little. "So, he likes you. He want's to be your friend." I said smiling at her. "Hmm, let me think. No." She said saractically. I got serious and said, "A girl needs a good friend here. See the gaurds, they don't care. They figure bad things happen to bad people, they happen all the time. Allll the time." She turned in her seat and put her newspaper down and said "Hey, you. Hello! *whistles* Baldy! Here, here, hello! Yes! Hi, come here." She called Helzinger over. He smiled at her and got up. Just as he started walking over I heard "You know, he has a name. You privilleged blonde bitch." Oh dollface, so fiesty. I laughed a little. "What's her issue?" The blonde asked. "She's just protective." I responded as the blonde shrugged it off. She spun around and got up. "Hi." She said. "Hi?." Helzinger said warily. "My name is Barbara." Helzinger sent her a slight smile. "Could you be my friend?" Barbara asked. "Yes." Helzinger said with a smile. I watched while laying the side of my head on my fist and smiling slightly. "If someone here tires to hurt me, would you protect me?" Helzinger drops his smile and responds with "Yes." "Thank you so much." Barabra responds with a smile and slight laugh. She then boops him on the nose and says "Cutie." She turns around and sits back down, dropping her smile. "Now I have a friend." She says resuming reading her magazine as I sit there astonished. "You're bad." I say darkly with my signature smile. "Yeah, so why don't you go make me a sandwitch." She responds. I drop my smile and say. "Your friend is a gorilla, my friend runs the joint. And he can get you thing that other people can't get you." With that she looks at me and asks "Things like what?" "Anything you need." "I need a telephone." She says leaning over the table. I smile at her. "That can be arranged." I say as I get up and walk away.

As I approach the table I see Rich and Harls walking away together, back to the same spot she was in before. I watched as she scared away a couple of inmates who had taken her place, then I see them sit down and after a couple of seconds they start talking. I can't tell what it's about but it looks pretty serious and it makes me kind of, jealous? "What's that all about?" I ask Greenwood while gesturing towards the two. "I don't know. After Harls came back over here she sat here just watching you and that blonde lady for a while. Then she asked Rich if they could talk alone and walked away when you came over here. It seemed pretty serious and urgent." Greewood responded while eating his jello that he stole from the lunch room. I didn't respond, I just sat there watching them while wondering why Harley couldn't talk to me about it. After a while they got up and Harley hugged Rich which made my blood boil. How dare he touch my doll in such an intimate way...

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