02★ TAKE

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" Don't you think you're working too much? "

Engawa, and beside by the river, Mie Hamasaki was busy tending to the laundry, washing the clothes of the children and her friend by the river-side. She was crouched down, her eyebrows knitted together-- visibly focused at the task at hand.
That is until-- someone's soft hand was placed on her shoulder.

Her head turns to the side, and she saw exactly who she was hoping for to see. Her gaze softened as she looked into the blind boys' eyes.

The boy softly spoke, his hand resting gently on Mie's shoulder-- before he crouched down at her level.

"You deserve some rest sometimes. You cannot just work and work, you know?"
Gyomei pointed out, as his hand that was on Mie's shoulder tightened slightly. And it seems that he was trying to imply something.

All she can reply was a small chuckle, as she raises an arm to wipe off some sweat on her forehead.

"It's okay, Himejima."
Mie reassured him. And even though the boy was blind-- it was clearly stated that he knew Mie more than it seems.

Gyomei's eyebrows are slightly furrowed, not scared of showing his true feelings towards Mie's reply.

"I'm not asking you to, Hamasaki..."
He trails off, as he gently clears his throat before saying the next part to finish his sentence.

"I am telling you to."
It seems that Gyomei's tone of voice got even more serious. And almost in an instant, Mie groaned softly in frustration.

"But I'm almost finished.."
Mie gives him a small pout, and to her surprise-- she saw Gyomei smile. Was it from the pout? Maybe he can sense that she did pout?

his hand left her shoulder.

"Just finish that, Hamasaki, and..."
he chuckles softly and he looks away shyly, blush forming on his cheeks.

"Let's go out together."

the children?"
Mie asks, as she looks behind her, holding Gyomei's hand tightly as they walked around the village.

"I appointed the oldest to be in charge this afternoon,"
Gyomei replied immediately, his sandals slightly sliding on the grass as he walked quietly, following Mie without any worry.

A small frown appeared on Mie's face as she looked back-- and Gyomei quickly chuckles. It appears that he knew exactly what Mie would do and say next.

"And I deeply trust the children not to act foolishly while we're not around."
His hand held tighter on hers, as he felt her stopping on her tracks. A sad, but small smile appeared on Gyomei's lips right now, deeply predicting what Mie was about to say next before it happened.

"You don't have to do this, you know?"
He expected a lot of different and various replies, but he never expected this. He was predicting a lot of nagging-- instead he got a question from her.

"But I want to."
He immediately replied, not wasting any more time on communicating with his decisions. He sensed Mie frowning some more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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