Part 1 :

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Bruce sat away from everyone else at the far end of the bar table. He was staring darkly into the glass in his hands, presumably lost in some morbid thought. He had a large purple bruise peaking out from the collar of his shirt and a deep gash  that ran across the left side of his face just below his eye . Wincing slightly, he lifted the glass to his lips.

Bruce didn't have super powers like the others that made him invulnerable,  just a suit that deflects normal human bullets and a body that feels normal human pain.

He set his glass back onto the table and glanced around the room observing his friends one by one.

Diana had made her way successfully off stage, after finishing her out of key P!nk performance at the front of the bar, and was now having a heated debate with Hal (Green lantern) over which flavour of Doritos are the best. After 5 minutes of going round in circles, they decided to settle their argument in the most mature, adult way possible. They played a high stakes game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Bruce rolled his eyes and continued to gaze around the room.

Barry (Flash)  and Arthur were taking shots and laughing loudly at the better lit side of the bar. This was all pretty standard post-battle-drinking  behaviour for the "Justice league " as the media had named them, but something didn't feel right, that's when he noticed Clark sitting with a rather large glass of whiskey laughing along with Arthur and Barry.

Clark never drank. Ever. 

'something must be wrong' Bruce thought, he narrowed his eyes scanning Clark's face for any sign of stress or illness, but he found... nothing. In fact Clark looked great, although that wasn't unusual. 

Hey so this is my first fic and i'd really appreciate it if you guys could give me some feedback :))

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