Part 6: The end

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"I hate you" Bruce huffed

"No you don't" 

" You're right..." He whispered sleepily. 

There was something oddly calming about being so high above the city wrapped in Clark's arms. Everything was so quiet. 

Bruce's eyes fluttered shut as he listened to the sound of Clark's steady heartbeat. A few moments passed and Bruce felt Clark kiss his head.

"I love you" he whispered softly against Bruce's  hair

Bruce's eye opened slightly and he felt Clark tense around him. "Bruce, sorry , i thought you were asleep and i wasn't thinking and you just look so cute when you sleep and i-"

"Shut up." Bruce said stopping Clark before he could finish his flustered apology . Clark held his breath wondering anxiously what Bruce was going to say. 

Bruce just closed his eyes again. "I love you too" he said "Even though your a terrible dancer" he finished, smiling slightly.

Clark let out a relived sigh

"you know i could just drop you right now right?" He teased 

Bruce's easy smile never left his lips and his eyes remained closed "Oh i'm well aware" he said calmly as he snuggled closer to the warmth of Clark's chest. Clark laughed quietly  "You're such a pain!" he whispered fondly but Bruce was already fast asleep.

*The end *

Hey guys,

This fic has been out for a while now and i just wanted to say thanks to all the lovely people who've voted and left comments, it really makes me smile when i open my emails and see a comment on my work :) 

I'd  love to write more stuff that you guys can enjoy reading, so if you have any fic ideas (even if its just the beginnings of something vaguely resembling an idea) id love to hear them!! 

(Oh and lmk if you have any fic recs or ships i should look into, im running out of fics to read T-T)

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