20. The Nosebleed

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Jeongguk really liked playing basketball since he was just 9 to 10 years old. The game really helped him take away his mind from so many things. He remembers laying his head in Taehyung's lap as he narrated how he defeated the opposite team in the match with just one shot... And Taehyung would always laugh even though he didn't understand even half of the things he said...

Smiling slightly at the memory he put on his T-shirt and shorts to get ready for the practice of an upcoming match.

"Have you seen the new student from photography department? I have heard that he is the grandson of Kim Daesung!! That's why he got admission midyear"

One of his team members, Jaewon, says to his best friend, Seejun.

"Yeah I have seen him. He is very beautiful..." Jeongguk smiles, his Tae really had an angel like beauty. "But I also noticed one thing... He is like veryy quiet... I don't know how he even made friends with Jimin, who is just opposite of him. "Jeongguk frowns as he also remembers Jihyo's words.

I find this Taehyung guy so different. It's like... like he is hiding so many secrets behind that innocent face. And his eyes are like...like they are speaking something else...

Jeongguk was sure he did not lie when he said that he knew everything about Taehyung like the back of his hand. From his favorite food to the no. of moles on his face, he knew everything about his Tae. But now, he doubts his claim. Now that he comes to think of it, he did not know everything about Taehyung.

He did not know that why one day when he visited him he saw Taehyung crying on his bedroom floor?

He did not know the reason of faded cut marks on Taehyung's thighs whenever they made love?

He did not know why sometimes Taehyung called him in the middle of the night, to come and hug him to sleep and always asked him to stay?

He did not know why Taehyung always stared into space sometimes, with his tired eyes, when they were together?

He did not know why Taehyung started acting weird and became so silent, months before he left him?

He did not know the reason why Taehyung left him??? And he did not know where and how his Tae was, when they both stayed away from each other for three years?

Now he was sure. He didn't know everything...

What is this secret Taehyung is hiding, which even led him to leave me?

He thinks as he walks towards the basketball court.

All his thoughts get interrupted by Yoongi's voice,

"Jeongguk!! Come on! Let's start the practice now!! "

He nods his head and starts walking towards Yoongi. The practice begins and many girls and boys sitting on the bleachers start hooting and clapping for Jeongguk's team.

Taehyung who was sitting on the grass of the nearby ground looks up from his sketchbook towards the basketball court. Jimin always told him that their university's basketball team was very strong because they had Jeongguk and Yoongi in it... And one should really watch how effortlessly they practice...

Taehyung doesn't know why he got up along with his bag and sketchbook and started walking towards the bleachers of basketball court. It's like he just wanted to see Jeongguk practice once.

He slowly sits on the bleachers as he again takes out his notebook and ear phones and starts completing his sketch once again momentarily lifting his gaze to see Jeongguk. He was looking like a deer between a group of apes sitting there like that.

After half time, Jeongguk looks towards the bleachers only to spot Taehyung sitting at one of the spots, silently sketching something in his sketch book. Taehyung lifts his gaze for moment but sees Jeongguk already looking towards him. He widens his eyes a bit and looks down. He again looks up to see Jeongguk walking towards his side with a small smile of his face.

Jeongguk stops in front of the packet of water bottles and takes out one to drink but soon gets surrounded by the so called fan girls who offer him towels and Juices... He politely denies all the things, then looks towards Taehyung's direction to see Taehyung looking at the group of girls with a slight frown and a small pout on his face and then looks down and focuses back on his sketch.

"Break time over, get ready for the other half" He hears Yoongi shout again. With one last look at Taehyung he run back to the court.

The match continues with Jeongguk sometimes stealing glances at Taehyung in between and Taehyung also doing the same but this time focusing more on his almost complete sketch.

Just when his drawing was about to get over, he hears someone say something like,

"Heyy watch out!" He looks up to see who said that but it was too late... He widens his eyes as he sees the basketball coming his way and then, yeah, it hits his nose...

He holds his nose and looks down in pain. Jeongguk immediately rushes towards Taehyung and hold his face in his hands. He sees blood coming out of Taehyung nose and his eyes prickling with tears like he was about to cry loudly anytime soon.

"Tae...don't cry okay? We will get you to the dispensary. I know it hurts but I am here yeah? "He says worried and immediately takes out a handkerchief to put on Tae's nose. Taehyung sniffles trying to control both the blood and his tears...

"Guk-kie it hurts" He says tears already streaming down. "I know Tae...come on"

Jeongguk wipes the tears and picks up Taehyung bridal style and runs towards the dispensary...

All this while the students around couldn't believe their eyes. They have seen Jeongguk caring for his friends but not this much. And were Taehyung and Jeongguk even friends??


Are they friends? What are your thoughts on it...

By the way... This chapter is dedicated to @kisshukissy , who is one of my first active readers and votes on every chapter... Thank you for your support.💜

Do vote and comment if you like the chapter.



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