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as a person that had siblings, chan needed a breather. he needed moments where he could be at peace. when there was a certain treat or snack he knew he wouldn't have a chance to enjoy because his siblings would get to it first, he'd sneak out with it to enjoy without a bother.

heck, his siblings did the same sometimes, how would he not?

today was one of those days. his mother had ordered strawberry parfaits and despite there being enough for days, half of them were gone in a single day. knowing if he waited even a minute more nothing would be left, he picked one up and yelled out he'd be taking a walk.

he grinned to himself, hiding the sealed cup in his bag and chewing on the fork as he walked far away from his turf. he knows the land like the back of his hand, always searching for adventure but mostly places to find peace in. as the eldest son of the head of the pack, he has many responsibilities.

but not today. chan needs a break.

he's nearing the river when he sees the familiar mop of brown hair. he grins, quietly pulling his bag off of himself and setting it next to a tree. he shifts into his wolf form, lowering down to the ground to sneak up to the alpha he's been seeing.

"you smell like a wet dog, did you not shower correctly?"

chan stands straight, ears high on alert. he shifts back to his human form, huffing. "how did you know it was me!?"

"i didn't, i just took the risk of talking to the air and being a fool if you weren't the one."

"you're so..." chan huffs, stomping away to get his belongings. when he returns, he plops down next to the alpha, "so alerted. no fun."

the alpha laughs, almost sourly. "life isn't always about fun."

"minho! so sour! all the fucking time!" chan groans, moping and slumping over minho's back.

"deal with it-"

chan smacks minho's head as he gets off, "and you don't comment on an omega's scent! so rude!"

minho growls, turning around and glaring at chan. the omega grins before shifting and darting into the woods. minho shifts as well, and starts to chase after him.

bang fucking chan come here! minho growls.

chan yaps happily, dodging bushes and jumping logs as he escapes minho. he feels a rush of excitement when the alpha manages to almost snap his teeth at his tail. they were so close but so distant at the same time, chan's knees almost gave up at how his omega preened at having an alpha chase after him.

but chan isn't a weak omega. and he won't fold easily.

he learns to take that back when minho manages to pounce off a rock, hurdling towards chan from an angle the omega tries to dodge but instead loses momentum and balance. chan gasps and tumbles down the hill, falling back into the peace grounds. minho trot after him, pouncing onto him when chan tries to run off again. chan yaps happily, playful and pleased minho fell into his playful antics once more. minho stills.

chan tilts his head when minho doesn't move. he notices a different glint in the wolf's eyes, but he can't decipher it. not even when minho hesitates to get off of him. chan rolls over and watches minho trot away, and settle by the river, chest giving out a sigh.

the omega stares at the alpha for a moment before walking over to where he left his bag. he shifts and his clothes mold around his figure to hug him perfectly. he swings his bag over his shoulder, taking out the parfait.

when he reaches minho again, the alpha had already shifted as well. he's wearing a black jacket over a white shirt, black ripped carho pants exposing his knees. it's a grungy outfit, chan wishes he could look good in clothes like that.

"i have a parfait," chan sing songs as he plops next to the alpha. he realizes he forgot the spoon.

minho's expression questions its absence.

"just shove your finger in there," chan said, looking at the cup in his hand. when he's met with silence and no movement, he looks up and furrows his brows at Minho's blank expression. "not like that, pervert."

minho laughs, "oh? i didn't say anything!"

"your face said enough!" chan huffs, his cheeks flushing a light pink. "do you want some or not?"

minho chuckles, finally scooping some out with two fingers. chan watches minho shove the piece in his mouth, humming at its flavor. "i don't like sweets hut that's pretty good."

"eh?" chan frowns, "so you don't want more?"

"not really, you can finish it," minho says as he wipes the residual frosting and bread crumbs on the gras.

"you're so gross," chan grimaces.

"you asked me to shove my unclean fingers in your pastry, that should have grossed you out."

chan gags, making minho laugh hysterically. if there was something chan will never get accustomed to about minho, is that the alpha always manages to mess with him. it's okay though, as minho's laughter dies down and they fall into a comfortable silence, chan realizes he looks forward to these moments. his life wouldn't be the same without them anymore.

minho is his friend. chan is happy to have a friend.

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