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since the young age of 17, chan found himself wanting to do what he wanted. he hadn't presented yet, still waiting for something to happen and while many waited to present in order to accomplish certain things, chan wasn't like that.

he trained self defense. joined the boxing club and hunted every now and then. minor things that were ideal for the future head of the pack.

when he presented as an omega, things tried to change.

he was told not to walk around shirtless or too exposed.

he was told to try to be more docile and focus on his appearance.

many were disappointed when he announced that he was an omega. especially the female omega's.

chan didn't mind. sure, certain things hurt, like the fact the boxing club tried to talk him into backing out. he could have switched to martial arts but chan liked boxing. it was fun. destressing. he didn't give it up.

a built omega? quite a sight.

most took it as a challenge, wanting to see who can "tame" the soon to be head omega. to see who was "worthy" of him. it was bullshit to chan but he liked to tease and step on knuckleheads.

almost every alpha or beta that approaches him for "friendship" is just another alpha chan has to humiliate.

so when he first met minho, he expected the alpha to try something.

he was always on his guard but managing a soft facade since day one. they were just two wolves that had stumbled up on the peace grounds, allowing space and respect. chan remembers eyeing the black furred wolf, making sure he didn't try anything. he felt both relieved and weary when the alpha had remained far and respectful.

it was like that for weeks.

at some point they drew closer, sitting next to each other peacefully to watch the moon and the stars. the night of the meteor shower, minho commented on how pretty they were. he was the first fo initiate communication.

chan has been drawn since that day.

minho's human beauty is heart stopping. chan knew this since day one, the black wolf was already eye catching, now minho's human form was far better. his lightly tanned skin, somber eyes that grew wide and shiney when amused or dark and dull when annoyed. his body- chan is legitimately amazed he didn't go into heat right then and there, minho's body proportions are immaculate. his thighs- oh his thighs! chan ravishes their sight whenever he gets the chance.

chan isn't normally shy, but after they both revealed their human forms, he feels self conscious. minho is the type of person that is beautiful, the type of beautiful that fits omega standars, but lean, strong, confident that fits alpha standards.

he's seen minho hunt. in his wolf form he's fast, diligent and coordinated. in his human form, he's not much different, but chan will never get over minho's muscles. minho has more of a sleeper build, his body naturally looks lean and he carries himself boldly, but when his muscles flex, you can see everything.

minho's such a natural at everything he does, chan wonders is he's done it for anyone else. in front of anyone else. if chan remembers correctly, minho's pack is more on the traditional side. while minho doesn't talk much about it, chan picked up on the fact alphas typically hunt for their partner/family, it's proof they're more than capable.

"minho, you don't have someone you're attracted to?"

the alpha looks annoyed at the question but answers anyway. "no."

"do you like omegas or betas?"

they're both in the river, fishing. well, chan is just standing around, he can't catch a single fish, while minho has already caught two. the alpha has his sleeves rolled up, the pants of his legs as well. chan is sporting a pair of shorts and a tank top, silver jewelry weighing him down.

chan knows how to hunt fish, his father loves fishing. he's just doing poorly because minho looks so hot hunting. the alpha is quite distracting.

"what's with the questions?" minho jabs his hand into the water and pulls out another fish.

chan, having been scolded and put on basket holding duty, held out the basket for the alpha to put the fish in. "just asking, you've never talked about anyone."

"why would i?"

"i don't know, to get to know each other more? you've heard all my stories about the dumb alphas and betas in my pack."

"mmm, well my pack is mostly betas and alphas," minho says, "there, now you know more."

chan sighs and rolls his eyes. he's never very successful in getting anything more out of minho. he's quite secretive over his pack, they both are, chan's never mentioned what pack he belongs to nor his rank. while he's certain minho wouldn't want him for head alpha position, chan can never be too cautious.

"so you don't have a partner?"

minho sighs, "no. happy?"

"so rude." chan humphs, pouting.

minho catches one more fish before they start to exit the water. he pauses when he hears footsteps from afar. he takes chan's basket and becomes a tad frantic, startling chan.

"dive in, hold your breath for as long as you can," he ushers, moving to be in front of the omega.

"what?" chan's confused but when he smells minho's sour scent, he gives in.

he barely hears the gruffs and footsteps before submerging.

"young lee," someone  says, "we've been wondering where you were. why are you in the lake?"

"i needed a distresser." minho's fingers twitch when he feels chan's hands grasp his calfs. he must be needed some grounding. "fishing helps."

"yes but, with your clothes all wet?" there's a mild panic in the beta's tone.

"what do you need?"

"alpha lee is calling for you," the beta says, "it's important."

"give me a few minutes, i'll be there soon."

the beta is hesitant, "he specifically asked you to return with-"

"i will be there," minho says again, "go on ahead."

"as you wish," the beta gives in, shaken at the sight of minho's icy glare.

minho anxiously awaits for their scent to dissolve and the steps to disappear before turning around and pulling chan up.

the omega coughs, wheezing. "oh fuck," chan trembles, "never doing that again."

minho smiles painfully, "glad you learned your lesson. i have to go, my father is calling me."

chan pouts, "awe... but we fished and everything!"

"we could meet up here tomorrow after sunset, and cook it." minho reasons, handing chan the basket, "would  that be okay?"

chan nods, "yeah." he smiles, taking in minho's details before parting. "see you tomorrow."

"see you."

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