# 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Chapter song: "Do I wanna know?" by Arctic monkeys

The hot guy beside me lets out a deep sign, covering his forehead with the hand that was once in his pockets. His long fingers were tapping impatiently against the table bar. Hmmm.. my spidey senses are tingling, and they are telling me that he's stressed, even sad maybe.

I observe his attractive hands as I sip my milkshake. Those veins.. they are so very attractive but if I get my hands on a needle they would just poof! Explosion! Blood! Blood would get everywhere... noooooooo!!

I'm kidding, I would never ruin something as attractive as that. I snap out of my imagination before I get way too wild.

I think you already reached that point when you thought about poking his veins with a needle..

Shut up!

Oh gosh I'm so dumb, my thoughts are stupid. I laughed to myself but I noticed my milkshake was almost gone. My laugh ended soon. Noooo my milkshake!

It's fine though, I'm being dramatic. Gotta get the fans what they want, am I right? That's how ya get the moolah or whateva! I can get some more when that waiter comes back with the stranger's milkshake.

I noticed the stranger looking at me once again, flashing a mixed look of boredom and confusion across his face. Maybe he thought I was crazy for laughing to myself, or just maybe he likes what he sees. Wink wink. Jk jk.

Even though that last option of why he was looking at me so strangely made perfect sense (not), I take it as an opportunity to entertain him with my beautiful conversation starters. I think I can try to cheer him up, maybe... It's okay! Whatever, at least I'll make an effort to. Everyone deserves to be happy.

I sip the remaining rest of my milkshake, glancing to the right of me where the stranger begins to stretch, covering his yawning with his arm in the process.

As he stretches, the sleeves of his hoodie slide down revealing something quite surprising. Tattoos and muscles. Good combo if I say so myself.

・#𝐃𝐔𝐃𝐀'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: (I'll let you imagine what types of tattoos he has, however he has sleeves on both arms and maybe in some scenes rarely there will be mentions of a sentimental tattoo/s I created myself)

Oh my gosh! Tattoos! Muscles! And more tattoos! I contain the urge to run my fingers across his arm where the tattoos were shown. Hmm.. however this could be an opportunity to ask about them!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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