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The snow began to fall into town, and a light is lit up in a wooden tavern, where inside men drank beer, and women flirted with them. But a silver haired man sat in his chair, sulking from what happened in the morning.

"Who does she think she is?" Estarossa scoffed, sitting his fur chair that's in front of the fireplace of a portrait of himself above the fire. "That girl has tangled with the wrong man. No one says 'no' to Estarossa!" He said with fiery in his tone.

"Darn right!" Peron scoffed as he walked over with two beers in his hand with a grin on his lips.

"Dismissed. Rejected. Publicly humiliated." Estarossa snatched the two mugs of beers from peron hands before he could take a sip of his mug."Why it's more than I can bear." Estarossa threw the beer mugs into the fire.

"More beer?" Peron asked, glancing at Estarossa, who frown.

"What for? Nothing helps." Estarossa turned his chair away. "I'm disgraced." He lean against his chair.

"Who, you? Never." Peron went in front of the tall man who turned his chair again, having the back of the chair face the fireplace, and peron went in front of him again. "Estarossa, you've got to pull yourself together." Peron said, pulling Estarossa by his chair but he wasn't able to as he patted his arm having the tall male to look away, his chin resting on his hand as his elbow rests on the arm chair.

Peron started to sing. "Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, estarossa. looking so down in the dumps." The silver haired man glances over at his sidekick.

Peron pushes Estarossa's lips into a smile, which results in him getting punched in the face from the man, and he lands on a table where four men drank beer.

Peron quickly sat up on the table. "Every guy here'd love to be you, estarossa." The short male pointed at him, and four men cheered. "Even when taking your lumps."

Estarossa, still upset, turned his chair towards the fireplace with a sulking look on him.

"There's no man in town as admired as you." Peron went to his side and patted his back, having him grunt, and he had his head go underneath his arm, gazing up the man.

"You're everyone's favorite guy." The blue haired man ruffled his hair and squished his cheeks.

"Everyone's awed and inspired by you." Peron went in front of him and turned Estarossa back around. "And it's not very hard to see why!" The three women went up to estarossa, clinging to him, letting out a dreamy sigh, gazing up at handsome man with adoration.

Peron began dancing and spinning himself around in circles while singing, "No one's slick as estarossa, no one's quick as estarossa." Peron took off one of the man's belts having his pants fall and show his undergarment, causing the people in the tavern to laugh.

The short man went to estarossa, wrapping the belt around his neck. "No one's next as incredibly thick as estarossa, for there's no man in town half as manly." Peron used the belt to swing himself and land on the ground.

Estarossa grunted as he flexed his muscles on his neck to break the belt on his neck, glaring at his sidekick.

"Perfect, a pure paragon!" The blue haired man pointed at the portrait of the silver haired male."You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley." He stepped on their heads, having them grunt in pain, glaring at the short male. "And they'll tell you who's team they'd prefer to be on!"

Peron stepped on their heads again and appeared in front of estarossa, but then the four men grabbed peron, dragging him away and started to swing him back and forth.

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