315 21 8


This chapter is lengthy, containing 11k words and more.

The chapter may be tedious in some parts and difficult to understand.

This chapter requires extensive editing due to apparent plot holes and other issues.

it is still a banger tho.


finding your way through a large city amid chaos on top of the fact you were injured was not an ideal situation

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finding your way through a large city amid chaos on top of the fact you were injured was not an ideal situation. being an actor has its advantages but none can apply when no one is around.

the area you were in was desolate, with no sight of anyone. a few cars passed by but that was it. your eyes drifted towards your kwami who was munching on concrete, its head bobbing up and down each time it sunk its teeth into the broken cement.

it was lost in the juice, one hundred per cent.

'kwami of knowledge my ass,' you thought inwardly. annoyance clouded your judgement, making you stand up from the paved sidewalk you sat on, walk towards the small creature who was merely inches away from you and grab it.

"hey-!" it started. you forcefully held it, certain to get out of this predicament. "I'll fuck you up, right here and now if your bum doesn't start telling me where the fuck we are and where to go!" shouted your voice.

the kwami showed disinterest, rolling its eyes at you and going through your hand. "shit, I forgot you rats can do that," you began, crossing your arms over your chest. celeste watched on, allowing you to grumble and complain before speaking.

"I am a kwami, not a navigator, plus, don't you have your phone?" it said, agitation clear in its tone. silence overcame the two of you, a staring contest occurring unknowingly.

"holy shit you are right..." you gasped in disbelief, ignoring the groan coming from your companion whilst fishing out your phone. you fumbled to open it, eager to get out of there and go home.

opening the phone app to dial, an emergency news report flashed on the screen, prompting a grimace as the unfolding events held your attention.

"just as Paris was about to celebrate its new superheroes, ladybug, chat noir and talon, a wave of panic has hit the capital as people are turning to stone monsters!" reported the news anchor. celeste faced you, giving a questioning look. "shit is tragic man," your voice blurted out.

the kwami gave a glare, to which you shot one of your own. "did you catch the akuma?" it asked steadily. "uh, is that some underground artist, then no-" interrupted the creature, it began pacing around.

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