Chapter 21 part one

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Dakota's POV.~

You know the feeling that something bad is going to happen today and then you get news from you're grandmother that the war is going to happen sometime today, yeah that feeling. Well I got the news that the war is going to happen today, She stressed that I am the only one that can stop the war. Everyone that I talk to basically tells me that I can stop the war. I haven't had me time in a while after the war so I am going to have a day to my self. Then I heard the sirens go of and we all ran out side only to see rouges lining up side-by-side and more showing up. I think everyone was thinking oh boy, this is bad. I said threw mind link "ok everyone this is what we had been training for, all children and pregnant women go to the safe place and everyone else get ready for the fight of your lives." Everyone changed into there forms I just chose my wolf because they don't know that I have other powers and I am going to use that to my advantage. I looked to the others (meaning the other supernatural, it is easier to say) and nodded they all changed into there forms and we all chuckled at the looks on there faces. Just wait until they figure out what I can do it is going to be hilarious. They all began to creep forward like they are stalking there pray. I tapped my foot on the ground and a little earthquake shook the ground. They were shocked at first but shook it of.

3rd persons POV~

As both sides fought, there is a person in the shadows that know of Dakota's powers because the person watched her grow up into what she is today. The person was lost in the shadows waiting for the perfect time to surprise Dakota and lets just say that it won't be a happy reunion. The war moved on and both side lost about the same amount of people no one knows where Dakota went to but at the same time a small tornado come swooping in and taking out some of the rouges. There were blood spattered everywhere, this one wolf had his insides showing through the chest and it was a grueling thing to see but everyone kept on fighting. Then out of no where this bright light shown through the heavens came down in the shape of a person. The unknown person made a giant ball that glows and is so bright that everyone has to shade there eyes. The person threw the ball at the rouges and dark demeanor left them and there eyes became there normal selves, but the ball did not work on everyone. There was still the person in the shadows that Dakota has to fight hand-to-hand combat with the person for this war to be over. The person came out of the shadows and everyone gasped.

Dakota's POV~

I was the person who threw the bright white ball at the rouges. When everyone came back as there normal selves, someone came out of the shadows and it was someone that was suppose to be dead along time ago; My father.

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