Chapter 23

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Dakota's POV.~ 

 I woke up to a very bright room with the sun pouring threw the windows, shining light upon our face. I looked at Adams sleeping face wondering if I should wake up him. I decided that I should wake up everyone else in the pack house then worry about Adam. I grabbed my bull horn and went outside to the field. "Everyone that is leaving with my pack today get your asses up get ready to leave around noon!!!" I yelled through the lovely horn. I went back to my room, passing people with messy bed head trying to wake up. It was funny to see them like this. I went into my room to see Adam still sleeping. I walked over to him with a smirk upon my face, I climbed over him straddling him and kissing up his chest and went up to suck his neck. I could tell that he was aroused because he put his arms around me and I could smell his arousal. "What a way to be woken up, could you do that more often." It is no fair he still looks breathtaking even when he woke up, it just is not fair. "We are leaving at noon so be up and ready by then, oh and be glad that you did not wake up like the rest of the pack." I got of him and strutted out the door, leaving him in a daze. I went to check if the other people were awake. I made a trumpet and blew on it and I heard people say "alright we are awake, now stop making so much noise." I just laughed all the way down the hallway. I went to grab a muffin or something from the kitchen, went to talk to Ace to tell him that we are leaving in a hour. I walked to the pack house in serene peace. There was no more wars for right now, thank god for my powers or we will still be in war with the rouges and more bodies would be gone. I found Ace and Brooke sitting in the field, talking. "Well Ace as nice as it is to see you again my pack have to leave soon because the rest of our pack needs their alpha." He stood up and brought Brooke with him. "Well it has been our pleasure to see you again even though my pack and I treated you like shit." "Shit does not even describe the pain and suffering my first mate and the pack has done to me, but it is in the past so you are all forgiven." He gave a weak smile and hugged me, I pulled Brooke into the hug then, we separated. "Well Brooke it has been an honor meeting you, and did Ace tell you what he did to me in the past?" She nodded, "yes and I am sorry that this idiot put you through all that stuff and rejected you but it all turned out to be something wonderful even though we met at the end of war." I looked at my phone for time and it was almost noon. "Well it is time for us to go." I went to where my special place is, wondering how can I bring it home with us. I went back to the pack house to getting my stuff in the car after I did that, I went back, thinking about how to take it with me. I raised my hand putting all my strength in it. With my hand raised, the land raised into the sky. I made it invisible so other people won't become suspicious. Then, I used my mind to create a lake and other things so it won't become just a patch of land. I brought my land with us, I envisioned it small like hand sized and shrunk it and it dropped into my hand. I got into the car and we drove to our pack house. 

 ​I took my piece of land and went to find a place to put my special place. Ah I finally found where I should put my place. The place is a field with trees and that was it so I think that this is the perfect place for my land. I threw it up in the air and recited a spell to make it it's normal size. I gently place it down and it turned out perfect. I saw Adam come down to where I was standing. "So this is where you spend all your free time." I nodded. "So what do you think about love?" he asked. "Well I think that love is a beautiful thing if people use it for the cause and not abuse it, every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite. So that is what I think love is." I walked into my place and went to find my cave so I can swim in it. I could sense Adam following me. I found it, I turned into my mermaid and water nymph so it is combined. I made swimming trunks so Adam could swim to. I saw him go behind a tree to change. The cave is so beautiful, it has many unique hues of colors, and the water is just so tranquil. I can't believe I made this all. He finally came in all his chiseled glory, oh my god that chest is just to die for. I went under the water and I could see Adam looking around for me, so quietly swam up to him and pulled him under. Oh my god his face though, it was hilarious. I resurfaced and pulled him in for a kiss. I snapped my fingers and it began to rain. I pulled away, "now this is my favorite love story." I went away, looking around cave to see if there is any special hiding spot and I see that there is none. I closed eyes and put my hands out to make a cave within a cave. It will be so cool. I went under to see where it leads and I see a little pool. There where several diamonds, rubies and many other precious gems in here and with the light shining thru the top. It was simply magnificent. I saw Adam come in here looking simply amazed and was completely flabbergasted. He went up on the little sand bank and went to touch everything. I went to a wall and created a PIN number so only the people I trust the most could use it. I pressed in the PIN and every jewel disappeared into the wall and then I went back under to go to the other side. Adam followed and we want back to the pack house, to rest.

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