"Your Big Sister is Here..."

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3 hours and 5 days. 3 hours and 5 days since I hurt my little brother, 3 hours and 5 days since Akito has been locked shut in his room. I want to talk to him but he probably hates me now because of what I did. If I was him, I probably would too.

I've been leaving plates of food for him by his door, not even a crumb was eaten off. "Akito, open up." I say as I knock on his door gently.

"Go away, Ena."

At least I can finally hear his voice again.

"Akito! Open this door right now!" My voice turned louder by the second, banging on the door more aggressively.

"I said GO AWAY!" Akito's voice shook the walls, I can hear slight sobs on the other side of the door

I stop banging on his door, I sigh in frustration leaving another plate of food for him, knowing he's probably not gonna eat it anytime soon.

The next day

Another day passed, I woke up and went into the kitchen only to see Akito. I was relieved he's finally out of his room.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing on the nintendo 64."

"Oh, can I play?"

"Maybe tomorrow since I won't be here."

Won't be here? What does he mean? I thought to myself, I couldn't help but look at Akito's arms. The scratches. The ones I did to him that day. I also take notice of some new scars on his arm. The thing is, I never did those scars to him. It seems he's been giving himself those scars.


Akito is finally going back to school. I decided to look inside his room to make sure my theory is right or not. Praying it's not true.

I look high and low, in every corner and shelf of Akito's room. Nothing. I was relieved, until I noticed something under his pillow. My heart sank, I quickly lifted up the pillow praying it wasn't anything bad. But the only thing under his pillow was a shiny kitchen knife.

NO NO NO NO! I think to myself in a panic, my heart is racing and I start hyperventilating. I quickly take the shiny kitchen knife to my room as I lay on my bed, waiting for my younger brother to come home.

Few hours later

I hear the door open, I see Akito heading to his room and closing the door. I noticed the door was a jar open, I quickly peek inside to see what he was up to.

I set my eyes on Akito's every move, seeing him look under his pillow and seeing him starting to panic.

"Looking for this?" I say as I hold the kitchen knife in hand.

All the color came off Akito's face. "Where did you get that?"

"Under your pillow."

"Give it back."

"Why should I? So you can hurt yourself again?"

"Give. It. Back." His voice turns cold

"Akito, just talk to me! I'm your older sister! I know what I did was terrible and unforgiving, but please I'm here to listen–"

"JUST GIVE IT BACK!" Akito snaps as he yells at the top of his lungs "YOU CAN'T HELP ME! YOU NEVER DID!"

My eyes widen, I finally snap "I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU! I'M YOUR SISTER FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

"If you were my sister. You won't have given me these scars a long time ago." Akito shows his arms to me, memories flooding back to me

"Akito- I didn't mean to do that- I just lost myself I-"

"Just, LEAVE ME ALONE!" Akito shouted "I don't need you."

I was at my limit, I couldn't take it anymore "FINE! JUST KILL YOURSELF AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" I cover my mouth quickly with my hands, regretting what I said right away. "A-akito I didn't mean-"

I can tell that Akito was holding back his tears. "Just get out."

I do what Akito says before turning back. "Akito I-"

Akito gives me the cold shoulder.

I took the hint and closed the door behind me, going to my room and locking it shut as I cry my eyes out

The Next Day

In the afternoon, I finally got the courage to talk to Akito. "Akito?" I knock on the door. This time, no response. I notice the door is unlocked, to open the door slowly, "Akito, I'm sorry what I said I didn't mean that-"

I cut myself off. My eyes widen, everything looks blurry as all I see is Akito's body. Dead on the floor, with a bottle of Prozac in hand.

"AKITO!" I call out as I rush to his side, holding his body in my arms. "NO NO NO NO! PLEASE WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I scream out, tears flowing down my cheek like a river. "Please.. Wake up.." I bury my head into his neck. "Your big sister is here... it's just a dream.. It's just a dream.... I'm here..." I mumble to myself in between sobs, rocking Akito's body as I cry myself to sleep, praying everything will be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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3 hours and 5 Days // Shinonome sibling angstWhere stories live. Discover now