Where is he?

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After Momo told Izuku about what she's gonna do as he accepted it not caring what she'll do she left and went to Ua. After the alarms went off as she waited for them and soon they just put her in handcuffs and took her to the interrogation room after she said she knew where he's at. During the time they asked her many questions as she just played mind games with them.

Nezu: I won't tell you again where is my student?

Momo: they are in the other side of the wall what do you mean?

Nezu: the one that you said that you know where he's at?

Momo: right your male students are on the way the side of the wall obviously.


Momo: oh you mean the Deku that you all hate right why do you care?

Aizawa: you said that you know where he's at now tell us or we put you 6 feet under.

Momo: and you are a hero......heroes doesn't kill people at all unless you all are fakes

As the hero's looked at Aizawa stupidly due to what he said.

Momo: now tell me why do you guys care anyways about him you all hated him because he breaks his bones and before that he was quirkless like you All might.

Nezu: how do you know all of that?

Momo: better question is why do you treat someone like him like shit you only care about him now is because he save all of your lives and only thing you guys do is bitch and moan about his broken body.

Aizawa: because he's fucking reckless

Momo: so why not step up then if he's fucking reckless then you lazy fuck.

As everyone was shocked that someone called him a lazy fuck. Soon they seen her getting serious about the story she did before.

Momo: let me tell you something you all hated him because he busted his ass protecting right what I've you guys done for him other then bitching and moaning like little bitches huh and you green bitch.

Inko:w-who m

Momo: no the damn wall of course you bitch what type of mother hates her son for both being quirkless and breaking his bones huh tell me what type of mother does that if anything she should be worry about her fucking son but no there you who just wants to be a pure bitch to her so called son you want to know what he said once he came over to my side huh?

Inko:w-what did he say

Momo: he completely hates you and everyone here because you can't appreciate shit for what he has done tell me All might what is OFA suppose to do?

All might: stop AFO

Momo: HA! As if that quirk does that it's meant to help the community (My Au) and put a smile on people faces when was the last time you did that when was the last time your "son" was happy?

As both All might and Inko face down as they started to cry. Everyone on the other side of the wall was confused but Izumi as they all talked about what OFA and AFO is.

Nezu: don't let her get to you 2 she just-

Momo: don't try to make them reconsider that they haven't done anything because-

As she broke the quirk cuffs which made everyone wide eyed to the fact the someone broke them easily and such she put in her uniform and made everyone wide eyed even more.

Momo: because now I'm the one who took him away after I saw his past and what you dumbasses did to him I made myself accustomed to his life and made him a better man and see that he's not appreciative by you so called hero's and your wonder how but one more thing before I go All might do you remember Nana Shimura?

All might: why do you care villain?

Momo: well out of everyone you should've known that I'm her daughter I watched her die in front of me and that I've reunited with her.

Gran Tornio: wait your the girl that she spoke about before but why?

Momo: why what?

Gran Tornio: why become a villain?

Momo: isn't it obvious a hero killed my mother and none of you bothered to help me as you all cared about fame and money an much ti the point where I went from hating my father to loving him and the crazy part is All might you caused him to not have eye sight anymore.

Soon the light flickered off and soon it came back on as they see that she's gone. With All might he fell to his knees as Gt noticed something.

Gt: she said something about OFA how does she know that?

Aizawa: Izuku he has that power then

As everyone looked at All might as he didn't care if they did.

Aizawa: if Izuku has OFA does that mean that she does as well

Gt: wait a minute she did said that she reunited with her mother

All might: that means that he willing gave her OFA he's a villain!!!!

Nezu: news flash we all made him a villain All might even you yourself did as well she also said that she saw his past.

Inko:*crying* I failed my baby boy

Nezu: we all failed him we should've helped him but instead we just let him get attacked by our students.

Aizawa: we should leave right now

Nezu: your right

Soon as they left the room they saw the whole hallway covered by dead bodies as blood covered the halls as well. The bodies they see is hero's and students alike dead the one thing that stood out was Izumi both All might and Inko saw that and their whole world had crumbled as Inko fainted as Aizawa caught her.

All might:(my daughter my previous daughter how dare that villain kill her) soon they all ran to see words that was in blood saying this.

This is what happens when you raise one and not the other be glad we only took her life then the rest


PS, if you think that he doesn't have OFA he does he has both OFA and AFO

As they see that they lost one of the most talented young person All might hated himself for letting this go for so long as he knows that he failed not only his on but his now dead daughter. Now they had put a bounty on Momos head gif killing the #1 hero's daughter and kidnapping the #1 hero son but thing is it backfired as she played a video of the things that happened before and they took a massive hit on what they did to a boy who they swore to help on any kid to including the boy in training their quirk.

That's the end of this chapter

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