Taylor, I love you forever and always, but IDK about this one

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Okay, so y'all know how 1989 (Taylor's Version) is releasing soon? I'm so excited by the way!! And fans are starting to take notice of something Taylor's doing. And I'm noticing it too. You know the Sunrise Boulevard edition of the vinyl, along with the Aquamarine Green one today, were all released? And they're all "limited-edition," only on her website for 45 hours? It seems like a money grab to me. I promise you I'm not hating on her. I love Taylor so much and always will. But this is a little... hm. New versions are released for a short time, and no one knows how many there'll be. (I think four, but again, it's not a for-sure thing.) So the limited time and quantity along with essentially limitless variants... It's all designed to make the customers make quick, impulsive purchases and buy up everything. It's a very smart business strategy, granted, especially considering her devotion to her fans and vice versa. But again, it's kinda... not-so-nice?? She's surely not in need of money, what with her net worth reaching astronomical heights of $740 million this summer. So wouldn't it be cool if all the variants were released and people could pick and choose and spend wisely, instead of feeling like they had to buy, buy, buy just to get their hands on something? I can understand why she's doing it, to create hype for her upcoming re-recording and all that. But it still makes me feel uneasy. Again, no hate. I love her. I trust her. And I'm letting y'all know there's probably going to be 4 versions. Save your money, and spend wisely. To prevent letting this get to your head, remember this: whether you have every single piece of merch she ever released, or only have one CD, or have nothing at all, it doesn't make you any more or less of a fan. It's your love for her music and for doing the right thing that truly defines you. ❤

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