Chapter 9.5: Ask The Entities [not a chapter [I think]

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Heyo! so, I've noticed how I will take times throughout chapters and sometimes they can take a....while... SO! I've decided to do an 'ask the entities' sorta thing.

you can ask on any chapter and I will save it to work on later, I will try to [if I have enough asks'] post an 'in-between chapter.' Kinda like this.

things to note:

• This will not be canon to the main story plot! the entities will not remember anything to do with these ask chapters but will remember them in the ask ones.

• Expect it to be kind of like a movie! let's say an entity is captured or in Seek's case, knocked out or in a coma. In these ask chapters. they will be full and well, but remember what had happened.

• You can ask on multiple platforms! that's right! I've been posting this on another platform, [DeviantArt, the user is Inkfur-Demoori] you can ask on there and it will still be received! if you would like your ask to be private, you can contact me through the discord server [ [btw I made it in half an hour so it ain't good]

A Love Born Of Darkness [Seek x Figure]Where stories live. Discover now