My Ultimate Goal, My Ultimate Bride (Reserved)

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This book cover is for @TeeX24. If you enjoy Pride and Prejudice, you should definitely check out their modern retelling, My Ultimate Goal, My Ultimate Bride

Here's a summary of their story: 

Mr. Darcy is a ceo billionaire in disguise, hunting for a bride so that he can become his company's chairman. He grappled with understanding the strong pull he felt toward this Elizabeth. Pondering the matter, he considered the possibility that he might genuinely require a female friend in his life, someone who could assist him in his pursuit of finding a wife. This notion raised thoughts of someone who would be willing to engage in a transactional arrangement, someone who could be paid to play the role of his wife, a partnership that would further his ultimate goal of becoming the chairman.

Elizabeth is a an independent bookworm, a woman with her passion for reading evident in her choice of profession as an accountant at a publishing company. Elizabeth held a dream close to her heart: publishing her own stories. After numerous unsuccessful attempts in England, a college friend suggested she try her luck in America. With much debate, she took the bold step, albeit against her father's wishes who was actively pursuing marriage arrangements for her.


I made five different covers along the theme of New York City, office romance, and books. The ones that didn't get chosen will be retitled and reposted in the coming weeks. If you're interested in a cover, leave a comment or send me a PM. I'm happy to tailor something to your story! All I ask in return is that you give me a permanent follow and credit in your book blurb. 

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