"Just Call My Name, We'll Be Okay"

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The seasons changed, and with each passing day, Muichiro and Nezuko's bond continued to strengthen. They faced challenges together and celebrated triumphs side by side. Their journey was marked by shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and a love that grew deeper with time.

One evening, as a gentle rain fell outside, Muichiro and Nezuko found themselves nestled on the couch in Muichiro's apartment. The soft glow of the lamplight created a cozy atmosphere, and the patter of raindrops on the windows provided a soothing backdrop.

Nezuko leaned her head against Muichiro's shoulder, her fingers tracing patterns on his hand. There was a sense of comfort in their silence, a deep understanding that words weren't always necessary to convey what they felt.

Muichiro's voice broke the quietude, his tone gentle yet filled with sincerity. "Nezuko, do you remember that day we first met? It feels like a lifetime ago, yet it also feels like it was just yesterday."

Nezuko smiled, her eyes fixed on a raindrop tracing its path down the windowpane. "I remember. It's funny how a single moment can change the course of our lives."

Muichiro nodded, his gaze focused on her. "You know, Nezuko, no matter what challenges come our way, I want you to remember something."

Nezuko looked up, curiosity evident in her eyes. "What is it, Muichiro?"

Muichiro's grip on her hand tightened, his expression earnest. "Just call my name, Nezuko. No matter what happens, no matter where we are or what we're facing, just call my name. I'll be there for you, and we'll face it together. I promise."

Nezuko's heart swelled with emotion, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his cheek in a tender gesture. "Muichiro, you're my anchor, my rock. I promise that I'll call your name whenever I need you."

Their eyes met, a silent exchange of promises that transcended the spoken word. In that moment, amidst the rain's gentle rhythm and the warmth of the apartment, Muichiro and Nezuko knew that they had found something rare and enduring-a love that could weather any storm.

As the rain continued to fall outside, Muichiro pulled Nezuko closer, his heart filled with a profound sense of gratitude. He knew that their journey was far from over, but as long as they had each other, they could face whatever the future held.

And so, in the midst of life's uncertainties, they held onto the promise they had made to each other: "Just call my name, and we'll be okay."

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