What, the hell

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Oh no I slept in, shit. there's me getting up at 10:38 pm to go to my bartender job which was at 10:30 pm. I need my uniform I swear I laid it  down on the bed. Oh there your are. I say as I put on my all black uniform. keys where's my keys I can't find nothing is this small ass house. I look under that table. In my mind thinking about we're I could of put my keys. as I look beside me I find the key on my way out the door. I walk to the elevator with a few other people in it. I've always been scared of being trapped in one so I decided to take the stairs instead. As I walk down that stairs I see a few junkies passed out on the ground, I just walk past them I'm already late anyways. I open the exit door and enter the front desk so I can sign out which came with a little bit of a wait, because of the line. By the time I made it to the desk she took my key card and stored it away. As I walked out of the building there was another junky, who asked for change. I told him I don't carry change so I gave him a dollar.

I walked to my car and as soon as I turn it on it blasted music which seem to be normal here in LA. I only blasted music for about like 10 minutes before I made it to my job, I walked in and immediately got called over by one of my coworkers blabbing off about how late I was."why were you so late it's only your 3rd day here and your already failing, by the way boss said it's coming off your paycheck."which I didn't really care about because my paycheck wasn't that much anyway. My bad I slept in for a little. "Yeah whatever, just don't let it happen again." Joey says with a hit of annoyance in his voice. I walk to behind the counter as soon as I get there I get asked for a cocktail, which I don't mind making because it only takes a minute. After serving a few people I see this lady run in she had long legs , a pretty face, and a very short dress on which I see all the time but she looked .. a little worried. like she was running away from someone she runs though that crowd towards the counter panicking, she was talking so fast I couldn't even piece any of the words she was saying in my head.

Uhm excuse me ma'am do you need help? I said in a concerned voice. She answered me with a reinsurance looked. "Yes." Hide behind the counter no one will look for you here. "Ok, Thank you so much. if he finds me I might not live this time." That really caught my attention. Was she being abused? Or maybe she being held hostage. Either way, it doesn't matter I have to help her. I continue serving drinks, and that's when I hear a loud "bang." sound. "Where is she, tell me now I know she's in here." But it's pin drop silent in the club. and the silent's was loud. All of a sudden three other boys walking to the club. There looking under the tables in the bathroom everywhere. And that's when it hits me and I realize that those four people are looking for her, they looked like gang members. But that was not about to stop me there not supposed to keep any woman hostage no matter how much power they had.

"I will shoot this whole place up if I don't find her and everyone in it." "Ohhh, there you are hoe I found you now." I watched him as he pull her by her roots of her hair. Stop! Let her go she's not your dog!! Suddenly I went from serving drinks, to having
a gun held to my head. "Ohh, someone wants to act all tough huh ??" Let. Her. Go. "Or what huh? Please tell me what your going to do to me." Or... Orr I'll .... I'll call the cops. All of a sudden, they all start hysterically, laughing. Yeah right you better laugh now because you won't be laughing in prison. "So what will we do with you." He says, as he graze's his pistol down my cheeks. "Take her." I jerked my head back moving the gun from my face. Take me... im not going anywhere, you low life scum bag.

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