Chapter 12: Two Oceans

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🌊Two Oceans🌊


"Hi," with a breathy nervous voice. I looked at the two, back and forth. Sage seemed to ignore me but Rijo gave his attention to me and took the time to say hi back.

"Hi," he repeated, looking like I didn't greet him a bunch earlier. It could be more mood-changing if Sage was the one who greeted back. He was the one who just arrived. But the only thing he noticed and did first was to fight with the colder atmosphere emitted by Rijo from the cause of the unknown. I know he's annoyed by him suddenly being my 'friend,' but it gets more intense that I could probably think of a deeper meaning behind his annoyance.

Sage placed his stare on me, transferring his pique but with a lesser brow raise. He raised his arms and packed it on his chest. His gaze followed me while I moved and sat on the front side of the square table. I went adjacent to Rijo while Sage stood still unmoving with relentless pride. The difference in their vibes repelled each other like the oceans in the Pacific and Atlantic. 

The green seas like Rijo's jade eyes and the widest pool of irritation from Sage. They made me somewhat regret to invite Sage for a coffee. But Rijo's expression was indifferent which looked like it was okay with him having the heat ooze not only from the coffee but also from a person with whom I believe he must've felt hard to socialize.

I coughed once as my hand acted like stopping the fake virus from spreading—which I expected to lessen the mood and to grab their attention off each other.

"Are you fine?" Rijo asked with a worrying expression. Sage flickered his eyes to me for a moment and returned to Rijo.

"He's alright," deep, hoarse, and clinging. I am alright. but he assumed so clearly. 

I held the tray while resting on the table. Took out my coffee with my other hand and placed it on my front. I beamed while serving Rijo's coffee, he thanked me and turned bland when giving Sage's coffee. 

"Thanks," he had the time to be at least decent even though the sound of his voice was the same.

"You're really friends now," Sage spoke after some silence. It made me flinch slightly putting waves on my coffee. My head turned to Sage and saw him gently swaying the coffee around to mix. Then eyed his coffee after me, raising both his brows.

"Do you usually do that with your coffee? Looks like you're going for a drink," Rijo commented which placed him in the center of Sage's gaze

"Why do you care?"

"Mhmm...I don't." He proceeded to drink his coffee and smiled at me after having to taste it. "It's good, as always." His response made me take off my frown and replace it with a crescent lip. I felt a tap on my chest, unknowingly treating it as caused by the flow of caffeine in my circulation. But then it moved to my stomach. I thought it was my digestives doing their work, and I've always thought of it like that.

"I'm finished...Helio, do you want to come early to our first sub?" My eyes went to Sage, not noticing and realizing that he had already finished his coffee. The empty cup was placed on the table looking like it could be tipped over at any moment by the wind from the vents.

"How did you finish it already? I have three-fourths to go...!" I raised my cup and came feeling the weight. Sage stood up and fixed everything, though there wasn't any to fix. The car key was the last thing he grabbed, making metal sounds.

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