I Found My Paradise in Your Arms

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Description: "Jeongguk remembered the beginning of the end, he knew exactly when it all started, when he was doomed, when he knew he would die

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Description: "Jeongguk remembered the beginning of the end, he knew exactly when it all started, when he was doomed, when he knew he would die. It was on the day he saw those bright blue eyes for the very first time. There was no stopping it, he knew it deep down since the beginning, it was too strong to resist it no matter how hard he tried to fight it. But he didn't regret a thing."

Or: Alpha Jeongguk is tasked to go in hiding during a pack war and protect omega Taehyung, a mate of the leader of his pack. The leader Sehoon is a vile man, possessive of Taehyung, his precious flower. Jeongguk hates the omega but he is determined to do his job and not get in trouble but Taehyung is known to be a little vixen. He is the definition of trouble with his playful and sometimes cruel behaviour. But there is more to him than meets the eye and the days in hiding are long; long enough for the two to get to know each other. And when they do and give up to their natural chemistry the real trouble begins because Sehoon hates it when someone wants to steal his precious possessions.

Top: Gguk

Bottom: Tae

Author: BTSLarryAf (https://archiveofourown.org/users/BTSLarryAf/pseuds/)

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29898024/chapters/73579281

My Review: I think this author is one of my most favorites in AO3 till now and it is unbelievable how many outstanding fanfics this author has already written. Most probably all the books of this author will end up here. This story is a werewolf AU and quite an angsty one. The storytelling is just outstanding along with the character development. The scenario is itself quite challenging where tae is the Luna and already married to the alpha who is also abusive and Jungkook is given the responsibility to protect tae which ended in both of them falling for each other. So how they fight for their love and at the end be together is just a roller coaster ride. I absolutely loved the story and totally recommend it. 

The story does contain some disturbing elements like non-con, violence, heavy angst and heavy SMUT. So please check out the tags before reading. 

Negative Point: No negative points to add here. 

My Rating: 9/10

Please give your ratings too if you have read the story. 

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