Intro: Bianca

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Maryann Lahote screamed in pain as her contractions ripped through her lower body.  It was now reaching the eighteenth hour of her labor with her twins. It had been a stressful eight and a half months of her pregnancy.  Maryann found her husband cheating on her with her best friend only two months after finding out she was pregnant.  For the remainder of her pregnancy, Maryann and Joseph would fight constantly to where six months in, Joseph left his imprint. Both Joseph and Maryann were shifters.

Joseph was part of the tribe in La Push and could shift into a large wolf, where Maryann was a coyote shifter from British Columbia, Canada. The two shifters knew there was a possibility that their twins would carry the shifter gene but only time would tell.  Seven and a half hours later the first of the twins was born. A boy that Joseph named Paul, and not more than ten minutes later did Maryann deliver their baby girl that she named Bianca. 

For the first year of the twins life both Joseph and Maryann tried to make their marriage work. However, just after the twins first birthday did their parents split, and Maryann took the kids with her to live in Forks. Joseph would see his twins on the weekend but when the twins were with their father one weekend tragedy struck. Maryann Lahote was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. After their mother's death Bianca and Paul went to live with their father, whose drinking problem became worse.

In the end that only lasted three years and just before the twin's birthday we're they taken from their father. Paul was taken in by his godfather, Billy Black and his wife Sarah, while Bianca went to live with her godfather, Charlie Swan. Charlie and Maryann had been childhood friends just like he and Billy so for him to take in Bianca in wasn't a big surprise. This separation only made both twins stronger but also both developed a bit of a temper, Paul's being the worst of the twins.

Bianca on the other hand was a quite one and everyone in Forks and La Push knew that when she was pissed to look out. Everyone learned this one summer when Charlie's daughter, Isabella, was visiting. Bianca was playing at the beach with her twin and their friends when Isabella came up to her and shoved her down a small cliff where she scratched her back badly enough that she had to have stitches and as soon as Bianca was released from the hospital, she beat Isabella's ass that the Swan girl stopped visiting all together. 

Charlie knew that Isabella was a spoiled child and because he wouldn't fall for his daughter's bratty ways, she took her anger out on the Lahote girl.  Over the years Bianca grew to be a beautiful young woman and when she started high school at Forks High School did rumors about a new family moving to town had spread.  Billy tried talking to the Lahote girl into switching schools so she wouldn't have to encounter the new family: the Cullen family.

"Hell no I'm not going to school on the Reservation," Bianca shouted into her cell phone.

She didn't want to be anywhere near her father.  The last time she saw him was when she was seven and he was drunk.  Throwing empty bottles of beer at the walls, knocking furniture over and throwing anything within reach.  One of the beer bottles he threw shattered against the wall where Bianca and Paul were sitting and a shard of glass cut Bianca across her left eye, leaving a scar.

"Bianca," Billy said trying to reason with the teen.

"No, I don't care if they are what the legend says they are.  I feel like I need to be here, like there's a pull to be here in Forks," Bianca said.

Billy feared hearing this from her because for the last three weeks, Paul has been asking if it might be possible to go live with his sister. Paul had also told Billy of a pulling feeling towards Forks. Both twins started to feel the pull the same day that the Cullens returned, not knowing what it meant.

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