Chapter 12.2: Ep 6/1

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Sound swept away the tall grass, the serrated edge of the leaf scratched a long streak on the sleeve of his designer coat. This corner of the wall leads directly to a small, deep alley, where the afternoon sun cannot reach it. Perhaps this place is a gathering place for thugs to smoke, because the sidewalks are filled with scattered cigarette butts. Sound does enjoy clean spots, so this filthy and stinky street made him grimace in disgust right away.

Sound cautiously walked along the alley looking for the exit. In the distance there was a figure of someone standing at the corner. A little closer looking revealed a girl wrestling with books in her hand with a tall, fierce man. Although Sound did not want to interfere with others' things, yet if he had not come to help, perhaps no one would have come across this road to save the poor girl.

Nevertheless, before Sound could rush in, another person jumped out and stood in front of the other two, shouting loudly.


Instinctively, the girl hid behind the big guy. Now Sound could see better, in her hand were a crumpled stack of papers and an open backpack, causing inside books to fall to the ground.

The tall man scowled at the person standing in front of him. And the girl behind him bowed her head, her hands still rummaging through her backpack, as if searching for something very important.

"Hey, are you ok?"

Win, who had just run out to stop the two of them, lowered his voice to ask the girl. He and Chinzhilla just split up to find Gun's backpack, and he observed this scene as he passed the damaged wall.

Without hesitation and with a heroic nature, he rushed to help.

"Is this person bullying or threatening you something?"

Win continued to ask, but still got no response from that girl. On the contrary, the person standing between the two of them appeared to be losing control of his rage.

Sound felt something familiar, but he couldn't tell where.

"Get fucking out of here" The other guy roared, making both Win standing nearby and Sound on the other side of the street startled, but the other girl still did not react at all. She was continuing her search in that backpack.

Sound picked up a pernicious guess.

"Such a loser when bullying a woman like that, your dickhead." Win had no fear, and he yelled to strike his opponent, but was cut off by a call from the other side.


Sound ran up to the three of them, he purposely walked over to the girl's side and gave an excited gaze to her.

"Didn't expect to see you here. Do you still remember me?"

The faltering darkness and shadow angle made it impossible for Sound to see her face even from this close distance. It was all just a pretense of familiarity based on his speculations. And rightly so, not only the girl, but also the thug in front of her became alarmed at being recognized. The girl lowered her face even more and hid behind the large body, and the big guy stood in front of Sound and hissed.

"We don't know you. Get your shit out"

Sound still did not give up, under Win's difficult gaze when he first saw Sound this friendly, he continued to tilt his head and smile at the girl.

"Oh, really? We just met the other day, at the school fair, right?"

In the end, the girl was the one who could not take it first, she pulled the arm of the front guy to stop arguing. Then the two left the backpack and fled into the night, before Win could say anything.

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