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Using the emeralds she had gathered, Alex he begun trading regularly with the villagers. She also utilized the redstone to make life easier. Traveling through the mines, traveling to and from the village, even keeping her home and the village safe. Utilizing redstone lamps and a daylight detector she make sure the monsters kept far away. Over time she even began helping the villagers expand, building more homes, creating more jobs, making more farms.

As she spent her days and nights working Alex noticed she didn't really have a need for sleep outside of just passing time at night. Since the nights were safe she often found herself going for days on end without any rest. But as she worked on her home, her mines, her farms, the village, she began to feel something.

She felt like something or someone was watching her. It was a constant feeling, even when in the depths of the mines she felt it. She tried to shake off the feeling though as she hadn't really encountered anything new in some time. It was really starting to feel like she had truly come to master this strange and bizarre world.

That sense of personal accomplishment was muddled though by the mystery surrounding her death, her life, and the very world itself. Alex tried not to focus on the many questions she had but sometimes she would find herself sitting or standing idly and just thinking.

It was during on of those moments that something happened. Alex was standing on the roof of her house looking out into the horizon, thinking about all that had happened so far. She stood out there all night, letting the moon disappear the sun rise up to lighten up the world.

When it did she saw something blue out in the woods. But it wasn't the blue of a flower, it was different somehow. Alex wasn't sure what it was that she saw but she instantly felt her heart racing. Whatever was out there, she needed to find it. She didn't know why, didn't understand why, but she needed too.

Fast as she could go, Alex got down from the roof and ran out into the woods in the direction of where she had seen it. The color blue, only for a moment, like a flash and then it was gone. What could it have been? She reached the area where she had seen it but found nothing.

Had she imagined it?

She looked around when she heard some movement further away. She quickly ran, moving through the trees as fast as she could. Then she found it, and stopped dead in her tracks.

It was a man in a light blue shirt and dark blue pants. He wasn't a villager, in fact he looked similar to Alex. He was about the same height as her, with brown hair and eyes that seemed to shift between a dark blue and purple. He finished breaking down a tree with his hands and then stopped to look at Alex.

They both seemed frozen in place for a moment, each transfixed by the other. Alex wasn't sure why but she felt she had seen this man before. But that obviously wasn't true, she would remember meeting someone else like her... Wouldn't she?

The man stood straight and summoned a single piece of paper, just like Alex would. He could do the same thing she could do! So he really is like her. But who was he? Where had he been? Had he just recently arrived? A million questions danced in Alex's mind.

She walked forward and took the note, on it was a single word. "Steve."

Alex felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up at the man. This is Steve, the one who left her the note. The who's name was in the book alongside her own. Steve lifted his hand towards Alex and she felt her nerves rattling.

But then his hand landed on her cheek, and she seemed to instantly calm at his touch. Why did he feel so familiar?

He looked at her with eyes of longing, and joy, but in them Alex could also see a hint of sadness. Did he know her? Could he remember her? What was his story? What was hers?...

Steve took a step closer and placed his other hand on Alex's waist. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. Her questions could wait, right now Alex felt happy, she felt at ease.

She took a step back and smiled as she took Steve's hand in hers and guided him out of the forest and to her home. He smiled seeming joyous when they came upon her home. Alex hardly gave him time to get a good look around though, she led him straight inside and to her room.

Once there she closed the door behind them and as Steve turned to face her she reached up and kissed him deeply. Steve closed his eyes as he kissed her back, they could both feel the passion, they both wanted each other that much they knew for certain.

Alex placed her hands at the base of Steve's shirt, slowly sliding them upwards to feel his strong muscular build as she began to remove his shirt. Once at the top the two stopped kissing and Alex took Steve's shirt off, tossing it to the side. She placed her hands on his arms, feeling how strong they were and moving to his pecs and his abs.

Yes it all felt so familiar, it felt like home to her for some reason. Steve reached down and lifted up Alex's shirt, gently taking it off and tossing it aside. He then undid her bra and tossed it over as well. Alex stood there, her heart racing, with her bare breasts out before him.

Steve smiled as he picked Alex up and pushed her against the wall, kissing her neck and chest. Sucking on her tits as she moaned and caressed his hair, her legs wrapped around him.

He then carried her over to the bed, laying her down and kissing her deeply. Her body arched as she kissed him back wanting more. He pulled away and kissed down her body, letting her feel his lips across her skin letting her crave what came next more and more.

As he kissed down her body he undid her pants and pulled them off as well as her panties. He spread her legs and kissed her pussy before pushing his tongue deep inside, moving it around as she moaned out for him.

He pulled away once again as he began to undo his pants and remove his underwear. Alex watched every movement as though lost in a trance, blushing deeply when he revealed his cock to her. Alex knew one thing for certain, she wanted him, she wanted him more than she had wanted anything.

Steve got onto the bed and climbed on top of Alex, kissing her and letting his tongue play with hers as he gently pushed his cock inside her. She moaned out in pleasure, her hands on his arms holding him as he pushed inside.

They stopped kissing and he looked her right in the eyes as she placed her hands on his cheeks and he began thrusting into her. They looked into each others eyes, enjoying the moment as the bed creaked and groaned underneath them.

Alex wrapped her legs around Steve as he leaned down to kiss and nibble on her neck. She wrapped her arms around him, teasing his back with her nails encouraging him to go faster and harder.

The sound of the bed rocking back and forth seemed to echo throughout the house as Alex began to scream and moan, her eyes rolling back her toes curling, her body arching in pleasure as Steve kept her pinned down under him moving with all the passion he could give her.

Locked in each other's embrace they both began to orgasm at the same time. With Alex shaking and trembling underneath him, her nails digging into him. With Steve pumping his cum deep inside her, holding her tightly and biting down on her.

As they both climbed down from their climax they locked eyes once more and kissed once again. For the day was still young, and now that they had each other neither would let go of the other for they both knew this moment was meant to last for hours on end.

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