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- High school, cont'd -

Everything was going smoothly now. More than half of the decorations were put up, and all of them were staying in place as planned. This was thanks to Bright, who somehow had a roll of tape and some glue dots that stuck on really well and prevented the things from falling off.

"You know, um..." Win said softly while keeping his eyes glued to the notice board in front of him.

Bright continued working on the displays, not turning his head.

"Um, I..." Win cleared his throat. "I just wanted to say, thank you, for coming to help. Even though it's not your job." Win couldn't bring himself to look at Bright as he was feeling too shy. He didn't know if he was imagining things, but he thought he saw the corners of Bright's lips turn up into a tiny smile.

Bright didn't reply, and turned away to cut a few more pieces of tape. Win decided not to speak further, in case things became even more awkward.


Blood oozed out of a small cut on Bright's finger. Win immediately stopped what he was doing, and pulled Bright to sit at one of the desks, and told him to wait.

He went to retrieve some band-aids and a wound disinfectant from the first aid kit sitting on the teacher's desk. He then pulled another chair closer to Bright, so that he could clean the wound for him.

"It is going to sting, just bear with it for a bit." Win said as he gently held Bright's hand to keep it still and dabbed a cotton ball soaked with the cleaning solution onto the cut.

Bright looked at the guy before him tending to his wound with the utmost caution. An unfamiliar feeling rushed through his chest. He didn't know what it was or why he felt this way, but he knew that it made him happy.

Bright knew that many people in school found Win a little too quiet and reserved, which made it hard to strike up a conversation with him. Others just tend to overlook him as he didn't have much of a presence anywhere, and he never really tried to stand out. He was always staying in his own space, sometimes doodling away in his notebook during breaks in between lessons while other students were talking loudly in the classroom.

Win had always reminded Bright of those little flowers by the road that nobody noticed.

"Remember to change the bandage tomorrow." Win said as he cleared away the first aid supplies on the table. "Try to keep it dry and clean."

Bright studied the band-aid on his finger. It was not too tight or too loose, and the pain from the cut seems to have vanished completely when it hurt like heck just a little while ago. It was like Win had worked magic. "You know, I think you'd do great as a nurse." Bright said matter-of-factly.

Win pushed his glasses up. "Hm?"

"Nothing." Bright shook his head. "Let's finish up the rest, and we can go home."


Author's note:
Sorry for the long wait, i went on a break (⁠'⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠'⁠) new chapters will be up soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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