smiles, blushes, and coffee

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The next day arrives and Austin wakes up like normal, hoping he wouldn't see grace. not because he doesn't  like her, he was scared. Scared to fall in love, she had only said a few brief words to him, but to Austin, that's all he needs, a few words from a pretty girl.

He walks into work, his hopes of not seeing grace already shattered, she stood in line, waiting to tell his coworker her order. Austin  took over, letting his coworker Sarah have a break. "hey, your Austin right?" she asks, a smile on her face. A blush rises to Austin's pale skin, as he fidgety with his hands. why was he so nervous? he had talked to girls before.

"Uh yeah thats me, your Grace right?" he replies, hoping he doesnt sound like a creep for knowing her name. He knew it because he stayed up thinking about her. His heart longing for her. She smiles at him, she fidgeted with her hands just like him, but she had all sorts of rings on, decorating her hands, as bracelets lined up on her wrists, all different colors, types, and beads.

"Uh, you okay, you seem to have zoned out" she says, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm okay, you want the same as yesterday?" an embarrassed look was on his face, she had caught him, basically drooling over her, a girl he didn't know. unfortunately for Austin, she wasn't just a tourist, she used a college discount, he wondered how he didn't notice yesterday,, in all honesty he was probably too caught up in her eyes to notice.He knew he'd be seeing a lot more of her. he wasn't complaining, he loved seeing her face.

But him loving wad the problem.

She would die.

He would not.

He makes her coffee,being careful to not mess a single thing up. She takes the drink and sits at the same table as yesterday. She looks out the window, and types on her computer, her little smiles while she drank her coffee made Austin smile, like her happiness transfered to him. He never knew he could love somebody this much, if its love that is. Austin had no idea what love was, he father didn't either. he never cared about a woman. Or anybody other than Austin. Althoughthat's a very different kind if love.

A few hours pass and grace comes back. with a small note in her hand. She silently places it in Austin's hand, smiles, and walks out. at first he was confused of why he was just silently handed a blue sticky note. then he read it. "hey, I can tell your very awkward, which is okay, because I am too, but maybe we should go out sometime?" her number neatly written under the words.  Austin smiled, truly smiled, for the first time since what felt like forever.

when Austin got home, for once he wasn't filled with dread, or hopelessness. He was happy. He got his online classes done, and texted grace. She quickly replied. They talk for hours. until the sun had gone down and came back up again. When she walked in the coffee shop like the last two days, she smiled brightly when she was met with a happy Austin. Who's eyes were filled with joy, true happiness,instead of the dread, sadness, and confusion that usually overtook his face. Grace had a light blush, Austin of course noticed and it made him happy, just knowing. that somebody other than his father, truly enjoys talking to him.

"Hey, i want the same as usual, if you can't remember, I'd gladly remind you. Just because I like to talk to you" she says, her body language told Austin she was clearly nervous,  which deep down made Austin feel better. knowing she was  like him, anxious.

The same cycle of talking until late night or early morning lasted for weeks, until Austin finally worked up the courage to ask her out on a true date. Not just hanging out and talking in his small and incredibly bland apartment.

Austin tries his best to look nice, trying to tame the mess he calls his hair, until he got frustrated, and decided that there was nothing he could do to make it any better. when he picks her up from her dorm, she's wearing a dress, nothing too formal, but a dress. it's not until she gets in the car that he notices, she's wearing the red converse she wears everywhere. he loves them. He loves her?

"hey, you look great" he greets her, he was mesmerized by her beauty. She still wore the many rings, bracelets, though not as many, and layers of necklaces. not enough to look messy, or sloppy, just right. everything about her is perfect. that's why her name fits her so well. grace.

"you look great as well" she smiles up at him, reaching over to fix a small bit of hair that was our of place, the same one Austin had struggled with, it listened to her, immediately going into place, and staying.  the ride is filled with soft music playing and conversation.

when they arrived at the spot Austin had meticulously set up, he borrowed a pickup truck from his father, one of the many cars his father had. there was blankets,pillows, snacks anything they could possibly want in the bed of the truck, so they could go star gazing. A date that they both had secretly dreamed of. Staring at the stars, in eachothers arms, sharing laughs and smiles, as the night moves by them.

As the realize how much they mean to eachother.

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