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A/N : don't forget to vote this chapter and please go back and check to see if you accidentally missed it ⭐️:)

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A/N : don't forget to vote this chapter and please go back and check to see if you accidentally missed it ⭐️:)

also in chapter 5,
for people who haven't watched the anime, i gave a little hint of how karma got himself into class E. feel free to check it out again.
( is just a few paragraphs above gakuho's introduction )

i'm terribly sorry for the wait !!
i was thinking about posting on tuesday. i thought my motivation would hit, but it hasn't been hitting for months now, and I was trying to see if it would come back. it was stressful, so i decided to, like, fuck it, just post it.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘, with class E walking down from the mountain to the main campus.

"when you think about it, koro-sensei and the principal are kind of similar in a lot of ways," fuwa said, as her friends looked at her curiously.

"how so ?" meahara asked.

"well, for starters, they both have, like, extraordinary powers, and yet they settle for being regular teachers," she explained. "seriously, as manipulative as he is, with the principal's quick wits, he could have been prime minister, or a business tycoon, or something, you know?"

she shrugged. "but here he is, totally devoting himself to education at just one academy. i mean, it's no wonder he's such a ruthless guy..."

kayano hummed, finding it interesting until she noticed something up ahead. "arei?" gakushu was leaning against a pillar. "it's asano-kun."

"what the hell do you want?" meahara glared as the class-E came to a stop. "your lackeys are too busy to do recon on us ?"

gakushu faced them, apprehensive as he lowered his gaze. "it pains me that i have to say this...." his eyes narrowed. "...but i have a favour to ask of you..."

"hm?" karma tilted his head, smiling with interest.

those slightly more intimidating than usual golden eyes met gakushu's, causing the strawberry-blond boy to scowl. this feels awkward, but here he is currently standing in front of class 3-E and asking for their favour with absolutely no explanation. they must be very confused. for the first time, gakushu put aside his pride and willed himself to speak.

"i'll cut to the chase," gakushu said stiffly. "the principal..." he grimaced. "i want you to kill him."

nagisa gasped in shock, while the others shared equally surprised looks.

"so to speak." gakushu looked down. "i don't mean something like murdering him physically, of course," he clarified. "that would be highly absurd."

rendezvous | rewritten ( on hold : plan on rewriting )Where stories live. Discover now