Meeting Up

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     "I don't think you're who you present yourself as, Gabriel." Beelzebub grumbled, and looked up at the archangel. He glanced down at them, furrowing his brows.
     "What makes you think that?" He asked, a deep chuckle escaping his mouth.
     "Well.. it's, it's hard to explain, really. It just feels like you're always putting up a front, angel. You never seem really happy." They stirred their coffee, resting their face in their hand. They looked across the table, up at Gabriel, who looked inquisitive.
      "I feel the same way about you. Not saying that what you said was true, by the way.." he said, looking away, flustered. Beelzebub shrugged.
     "Yes, in fact I do put up a front. You think I'm happy down there? There's only a certain amount of torture and havoc you can cause before it gets boring," they sighed. "I need some fun in my life! I'm sick of having to be the leader of a bunch of mindless idiots. And, we're not fighting for anything! We're doing everything we're doing for no purpose. And at this point, i don't even care about the traitor and his silly boyfriend. I could give a shit less!" They said, their voice full of emotion. Then they sat back.
     "Doesn't.. doesn't it get tiring in heaven?" They asked. Gabriel sat in silence for a moment.
     "I am in need of some fun in my life, I suppose. I feel you, on most of what you're saying, Beelzebub. And.."
     His voice lowers to a whisper, and he scoots closer.
     "I feel like heaven is a toxic place.. I think their ideals plans are very unrealistic. I mean, a second coming? That's incredibly stupid." His voice went back to his normal tone, and he chuckled again.
      "But there's not much fun to be had, huh? We always have duties, so we can't really relax or have a fun night out. Our responsibilities.." he saw Beelzebubs eyes stare deep into his, their hands holding their face up, as they stared at him. He lost his train of thought and blinked a few times. Their eyes were almost pleading for him.
     "Let's go have some fun together, yeah?" They asked, a large smirk plastered across their face.
     He sighed, and stopped.
     "Alright.. what's your idea of a fun night?"

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