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The next morning, I woke up in a panic. Confusion soared through me as I shot upright, desperately searching my surroundings to try and decipher where I was. Within a matter of seconds, I realized that I was in Jude's room as the events of the previous night came flooding back to me.

The nightmare.

My chest tightened and I swallowed hard, glancing at Jude's sleeping form on the ground. He lay on his stomach, his covers pulled up over half of his face.

Taking a deep breath, I slipped out of the bed and tiptoed out of the room. Low voices reached my ears as I traveled downstairs, following the deep pitches to the kitchen where I found Ezra and Soren.

Both of them looked over at me as I entered and paused at the threshold. I glanced between the two of them, unsure of what to say or do with myself as the events from last night flashed at the forefront of my mind. Luckily, Soren broke the silence.

He smiled. "Hey," he said, his eyes briefly running over me as if he was checking if I seemed alright. Ezra had definitely told him. "You hungry?"

I shrugged and shifted on my feet. "Kinda."

"Why don't you go sit down and put something on the TV. I'll get you something to eat," he suggested, his voice gentle as if I was something fragile.

Without another moment of hesitation, I spun around and left to the living room. I'd settled in and was in the middle of scrolling through the options on the screen when Soren walked inside.

"Thanks," I said quietly as he handed me the plate of food, before taking a seat beside me.

I felt him studying me. "You okay?" He asked as I picked up my fork.

I paused in the middle of sorting through the variety of fruits. "Ezra told you?" I questioned, glancing over at him.

He nodded, his dark gaze intense. "It must have been scary," he said quietly, something unreadable in his voice. "Whatever the nightmare was about for you to react that way."

I swallowed hard, suddenly losing my appetite. "It was."

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?"

I hesitated. "I don't want to keep thinking about it," I lied when the truth was I wasn't telling him for the same reason I didn't confide in Ezra. It just didn't feel right.

Soren didn't push as he stood up. "Alright," he murmured and gently reached down to brush his thumb across my cheek.  "Rest today. I'm heading off to work, but I'll see you tonight." He leaned down to kiss my forehead, before he walked away.

I spent the next half an hour zoning in and out as I watched a comfort movie on the TV. I was only a quarter of the way through when I figured I should get started on some homework, so I forced myself off the couch and made my way upstairs.

I was passing Ezra's study when I heard another voice travel out of there. My footsteps slowed as I realized it was Jude. I hesitated for a moment before I shuffled towards the door and pressed my ear against it.

"Did you know?" Jude's strained voice reached my ears.

Ezra sighed. "Know what, Jude?"

"About her? Did you know?"

There was a slight pause. "You're going to have to be more specific," Ezra replied lazily.

I pictured Jude bristling. "About Aspen?" He gritted out. "Her fucking nightmare, Ezra."

My breath hitched. No. He couldn't tell Ezra. I didn't want him to know.

"I know she had one," Ezra answered calmly. "I found her in the kitchen last night." He paused. "Why?"

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