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"Where have you been?"

His voice was like acid being poured down my throat. I paused in the middle of taking off my shoes, my back facing him so he couldn't see the way my face twitched as I forced myself to stay still.

Ezra stood a few feet away from me. Now more than ever, his presence seemed to swallow the whole room.

I allowed myself a moment before I slowly turned around. "I was with Sage," I replied quietly, keeping my gaze trained on some point behind him. "I figured since we're on break now I'd spend more time with her."

Pretend, I reminded myself even though my very bones felt like they were about to snap. My heart hammered viscously, every breath I took burning my ribcage.

"You should have told me that beforehand," Ezra said calmly. "I thought I made myself clear when I said I need to know where you'll be at all times."

My jaw tightened to the point of snapping as I struggled to bring my eyes up to his. "You left me stranded," I gritted out.

Ezra was silent for a few moments. "I texted you," he pointed out. "I never got a response."

For a brief second, my eyes shot up to his. It took everything in me not to flinch as I caught sight of his midnight colored gaze. His face was impassive like always, his entire demeanor relaxed as if he hadn't just taken a life mere hours ago.

I wracked my head to come up with an excuse. "Sage was driving," I finally said in a low voice, fighting to keep my tone even as I used their lies against them. "I was watching the road to make sure there was no repeat of last time."

Ezra said nothing, but I caught the slight tick of his jaw. His chest caved as he released a deep breath. "Fine," his voice softened. "Just keep it in mind for next time."

"Fine," I stated simply and averted my gaze.

Ezra left it at that. I watched him like a hawk, expecting something else, but he simply turned around and disappeared up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, releasing a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding before I swallowed dryly. Collecting myself as best as I could, I made my way into the kitchen, where I found Jude sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the island counter. He was on his phone as he spoke to Soren, who was occupied with cooking something on the stove.

Jude saw me first, his lips curving into a small smile. Already the bruises on his face were fading. "Hey," he said. "You're home late."

Soren looked over his shoulder, his eyes locking with mine. I struggled to hold his gaze. "You hungry?" He asked casually.

Jude shot me a grin. "I'm making him cook for me," he commented smoothly.

I didn't smile. I didn't even have the energy to fake it.

Jude noticed immediately, his grin fading as something like concern invaded his features. He scanned me from head to toe, his lips shaping into a frown.

I almost laughed. Did I look that ragged? First Kieran's wince and now Jude's wary expression.

Despite myself, my lips involuntarily curved into a bitter smile. And then, before I could stop it, the smile turned into something else.

A giggle escaped my lips.

It was quiet, so luckily, only Jude heard it since Soren was occupied with cooking dinner. His eyes widened as another laugh slipped from my mouth, except this time, it sounded utterly and completely broken.

I was so tired.

Against my will, my eyes began to water. Another laugh slipped from me, this one causing Jude to spring into action.

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