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Metropolis 17/2/2023 05:19

As his blurry vision slowly returned to him, Tim tensed up as he saw himself in an unrecognized room with medical equipment and sensors all around him. And then the headache of a lifetime kicked in as his hearing returned as he was forced to listen to the heart monitor going off like crazy. Soon Cassie and Garfield rushed into the room followed by Dick. Holding him down and telling him that he was safe, Tim painfully asked where they were.

Flashback to six hours ago

Once everyone was above an indiscriminate warehouse, Overwatch stepped out of the building and guided the Bioship down. Motioning for everyone to come inside, the teenagers walked into what seemed like a normal soup kitchen. Following Jake into the freezer room, Overwatch typed a code into the thermostat as the floor lowered into a large underground bunker that featured sleeping accommodations, an armoury, garage, communications room, kitchen and living room.

Demanding an explanation, Jake answered all their questions by briefing them on their location. Turns out that the business Jake was spearheading these last couple of months had a dual purpose. On one side, it was genuinely a shelter for homeless people and those affected by the Light's robot attacks. But on the other side, each Okkert's featured a hidden bunker for Overwatch that contained all the necessary things for him to resupply after a mission and acted as a relay station that monitored all public and private signals in the area.

Seeing this a major breach of privacy, Jake explained that he never listened in to any of the calls or read any of the messages people sent. He would only tap into it occasionally, to see if there was any activity regarding the Light, League of Assassins or other villains. After calming down significantly, Jake had Tim placed in the medical bay before starting to bring the outpost online.

Back to the present

So being all caught up on what had happened in the last coupled of hours, Tim tried to get out of bed before being sternly told by Dick that he was staying in bed till they could be sure he did have any residual head trauma. Reluctantly agreeing, Drake laid back down and tried to relax.

Meanwhile, everyone else was closing in on a mental meltdown. Not only did they just lose their home, but also any support they still had from the Justice League vanished overnight. Overwatch had been locked away in the communications room for the last 3 hours, urgently trying to disable the Zeta network temporarily. But he was fighting against an adaptive firewall that was engineered to re-write itself every 2 minutes and was created by Batman, Overwatch and the combined strength of the entire WayneTech applied science division.

Finally able to crack the code, Jake wasn't able to take the system completely offline, but he was able to delete all of his safehouses from the system along with the Batcave, Green Arrow's base, and the Justice League vault that was located in the Artic Circle. Inputting some last-minute touches before the system reset itself again, Jake logged off after re-encrypting the network.

Exiting the communications room, Jake got everyone's attention before assigning rooms for his fellow heroes to sleep in. Given that there were only 4 rooms and 12 people that had to stay there, some people were going to have to share. But it only got more awkward from there, cause one room was Jake's and Jake's alone, meaning there was only one bed. Two of the other rooms only featured two bunk beds and the last room contained a queen sized bed. When Jake initially planned the warehouses, he never thought that he would have to host the entire Young Justice team, instead he was thinking maybe one or two members of the League along with their YJ counterpart.

The first group that slept in one of the bunk bed rooms were some of the male members of the team that included Aqualad, Superboy, Beast Boy, and Lagoon Boy. In the other bunk bed room were some of the females that included Miss Martian, Zatanna, Wondergirl, and given his maturity, Red Arrow. Despite Harper's protest, Jake quickly silenced him by offering that he sleep with Wally on the queen sized bed.

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