Time to heal

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Fortress of solitude 01/03/2023 08:00

"How long has he been out by now?"

"Six days, but his body is fully healed. I think his mind just needs to recover a bit." Nightwing answered, soon surprised by Jake rocketing up from his bed, eyes darting around the room. After realising that he was in the Fortress of solitude, Overwatch relaxed. Noticing his armour was missing and he was just in some sweatpants and t-shirt, Jake asked what happened to him after Paradise Island. Walking in, Wondergirl gave him a big hug and said that she was happy that he was awake.

Explaining that after he lost consciousness, Queen Hippolyta had him moved back to the bioship before thanking the team for their help in defeating Hades. But seeing as she couldn't thank Overwatch in person, she left them with a gift; a sword forged by the finest blacksmiths on the island. Giving Jake the sword, Cassie told him that only three of those blades had ever been made. Created as a symbol of ultimate valour and bravery in the defence of Themyscira and the Amazons. Holding the blade in his hands, Jake traced his fingers across the smooth wooden handle, feeling the bends of the grip and the neatly stitched leather straps. Turning his attention to the blade itself, Overwatch gazed across the razor edge, admiring the craftsmanship needed for such a blade.

Telling Jake that one of the perks of earning this sword was that the wielder had distinguished themselves as a warrior of Themyscira

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Telling Jake that one of the perks of earning this sword was that the wielder had distinguished themselves as a warrior of Themyscira. Meaning that they had earned the right to live on the island and seek sanctuary there for as long as they needed. "Wait, live? As in I get to live on Paradise Island?"

"Yeah Jake, you have earned the right to live on the island. Something no man has ever done in the history of Themyscira." Cassie explained, clearly happy for her team leader and teacher. As for Superboy and Artemis, they had also earned the privilege of being able to visit the island if they needed assistance from the Amazons. Thanking Cassie for the good news, Jake turned back to Nightwing, who was still shocked at the news that Jake was able to visit an island of only women at anytime he wanted. "Dick, focus up bro. What's the status of that location in San Francisco?"

"Its a fortress Jake, there are some weird, alien defence turrets that protect the immediate region. But that's not the problem. The problem is that the moment any of us show up, those turrets will start firing and the League will know we're there."

"Meaning they'll execute the prisoners before we can even breach the perimeter." Jake concluded, he knew of a way to bypass this little problem, but Dick wasn't gonna like it. Asking for some privacy with Grayson, the other team members left, leaving just Nightwing and Overwatch. "Dick, there is another option. The Arkham Knight told me that there was an offer on the table. I turn myself in and they'll stop hunting the team and they'll maybe release some of the prisoners."

"Jake you know that's bullshit." Nightwing interrupted, he did not like the fact that he was going to lose another team mate, Jake nontheless. Out of everyone still free, Overwatch was their best shot at taking down the JLD cause he understood their weaknesses. "I'm going in Dick, but I'm not going in quietly. If they want me, they're gonna have to drag me in."

"Ughhh, fine. What do you want the rest of us to do?" Dick asked, still not happy with this arrangement. Jake then explained his plan to Grayson and how the team will infiltrate the base while he keeps the Justice League Dark at bay. Telling Jake that he'll inform the team, Dick left Overwatch in the medical bay to recover.

Time skip

About two-ish hours later, the door opened up again as the light from outside produced a silhouette of a female body walking through the door. As Jake's eyes adapted to the change in light, he saw that it was non-other than Zatanna. Having a gut feeling where this was going, Jake sat up in his bed as he watched Zatanna close the door and start taking off her jacket. Sitting at the edge of the bed, it didn't take long for her to slide up to where her lips were only a few centimetres from Jake's. Going in for a kiss, Jake stopped her with his finger. "What?"

"This isn't right Zatanna, I can't focus on the mission when my mind is distracted."

"So you're saying I'm just a distraction?!"

"No, that isn't what I meant. What I meant to say was that you're not my only priority in this building. I have to take care of you, Dick, Conner, Megan and everyone else that is depending on me. If I can't focus on the mission, people get captured or worse, die." Jake explained, this was one of the things both he and Bruce had in common, there was no space for romantic relationships, not with the mission needing all their attention.

Deep down, Jake wanted a girl that he could give his all to. Someone he could trust and tell everything. But that just wasn't a luxury that he could have in this life. Which was why he tried not to think about it most of the time and put all of his efforts elsewhere. What happened at Okkert's with Zatanna was the result of pent up stress and emotions running high for everyone. That didn't mean Jake didn't like it, quite the contrary, but he couldn't prioritise that over the rest of the team or the fate of the world for that matter.

Telling Zatanna that what happened in Metropolis was a one time thing, Jake finished the conversation as a tear rolled down the raven-haired girl's face. Going to wipe it off, Jake's hand was quickly pushed aside as Zatanna rushed out of the room after grabbing her jacket and aggressively put it back on. It wasn't long before Artemis came in to check up on Jake, but also to ask what was going on with the magician.

"Listen, I had hoped this wouldn't turn out this way, but after what happened in Okkert's, I knew that this was likely gonna happen." Jake explained, to which Artemis quickly asked what happened in Okkert's. "Well you see, funny thing is..."

"You slept with her didn't you?" Artemis interjected and asked point blank, and fair, she was single-handedly dealing with the aftermath of a one-night stand between two team-mates. One of which was her team leader and the other one a close friend. Confessing that the two did in-fact spend the night together after he came back from his mission to S.T.A.R. Labs, Artemis just facepalmed. Telling Jake that she'll handle this and that he should probably just give Zatanna some space, Jake was more than happy to co-operate.

Making the final preparations on his flight suit and loading all the magazines with lethal rounds, Jake rested the rifle across his shoulder and walked out into the large crystaline room. Calling all members of the team, Nightwing, Superboy, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Wondergirl, Artemis and Zatanna all came out of their different room. "Listen, I know the last month has been challenging, we have lost friends, family and comrades along the way. But this is it, thanks to Nightwing, we have found the location of the Justice League Dark's base and where they are keeping our friends. I'm going to act as bait to give you guys a fighting chance, Nightwing will be acting team leader whilst I'm gone. He'll give you all the details of the mission, but if any of you don't wanna go on this one, I completely understand and you're more than welcome to op out."

"We're with you Jake, all the way." Conner spoke, his answer clearly resonating with the rest of the team. Bidding his farewells, Jake walked through the Zeta platform and appeared back in the Batcave where he soon fired up the Batwing after strapping the flight pack to the bottom of the fuselage. Giving Alfred a quick two finger salute, Jake gunned the throttle as he blasted out of the cave.

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