Day 16) Morning ritual(s)

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3rd pov.

The birds flew around quietly with the wind that howled through the trees. Giving the branches a shake to join in with the peaceful outdoor white noise. All clocks in the castle struck five am, awakening the king from his worthless slumber. Going into his usual morning routine in getting coffee and starting his day with soul crushing work. Awake before any other skeleton in the walls of negativity.

Nightmare looked down at his sleeping companion as his body became aware of its surroundings and needs. He smiled gently before getting up and digging through the wardrobe for something to where for the day. He threw on his usual hoodie and shorts, as per usual covered in the substance his bones were covered in for the rest of his cold hearted life.

After dressing himself in fresh clothing, he left the room to go make himself a nice hot cup of black bitter coffee to satisfy his thirst for it. He walked down the long hallway of his quarters while passing maids that were busy doing their jobs as cleaners and such. Giving chilling feelings down each maid he passed. As much as he hated each one of them, he didn't have anyone else to keep the huge building clean. He knew that he wouldn't have been able to do it himself, and the other five wouldn't have the time to clean such a place while also not breaking or ruining something. Only their rooms is what they clean throughout the whole palace.

Down the main stair case he was brought to the main floor, which had most of the sitting rooms and the kitchen plus the dinning room. He quickly made his way over to the kitchen where a coffee machine sat unused. He took the pot from under the machine and filled it with water from the double pit sink. Filling it up to an amount that was perfect for one cup of coffee. Knowing that he will get his second from when Killer gets up. Killer would usually get Nightmare a cup of coffee after he got himself readied up for the day.

After filling up the pot to a certain amount, he shut the faucet off and placed the pot under the coffee making machine. He grabbed a paper filter before pouring any coffee mix in. Nightmare laid the filter out in the machine, then poured some coffee mix in. Then closed the top. Pushing the button to start it, it began to make coffee. Which would take a couple minutes to make.

The king leaned up against the counter and pulled out his phone as he waited for the coffee machine to be done making his coffee. Some time went by and the machine made a noise to indicate that it was done. This alerted Nightmare by him turning his head over to see it done and ready. He turned his phone off and put it back in his pocket.

The pot was filled with a dark mixture of hot water and coffee mix blended perfectly to Nightmares wanting. Pulling the pot out from under the machine he grabbed his white plain coffee mug and filled it to the brim with coffee. A little left in the pot. The coffee steamed from the mug, letting out a fume that Nightmare oh so happily enjoyed. He dumped the little amount of access coffee into the sink and down the drain. Satisfied with how his coffee turned out, he short cutted himself to his office. Not wanting to risk spilling his coffee. Or to have to walk all the way to his quarters.

The large dark brown doors opened in Nightmares office that revealed- well, Nightmare. He shut the door behind him before sitting down to his beloved desk he's had for countless years. His laptop sitting on the left side of his desk with a mouse and mouse pad. A few papers lingered on his desk that he needed to finish from yesterday from when he was working on them. A pen and pencil holder sat by his laptop, filled with a couple pens and pencils. A couple paper clips lodged in there too. A small lamp dimly lit on the right corner his desk. A dark purple colored lampshade to block the bright bulb. His desk had a couple drawers filled with papers and other rubbish he had lying around.

Behind him and his desk were storage shelves filled with papers and with books. Some stuff filled with information on other universes and reliable monsters that were trapped by his agreements and manipulation. A wooden box with silver accents sat on the shelf, a lock secured on holding something important inside. A golden crown with a little crescent carved in sat inside, the skeleton who used to wear the beautiful crown to now only be a memory.

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