Chapter 2 : Friends...?

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Alyssa's P.O.V:
Titan Cameraman was still flying while i was sitting on his right hand and we were far enough away from the Skibidi toilets, "So, Al?" Titan Cameraman said, i look up to him and he continued, "About what happen back there, how did you do that?" i think he's talking about my power, i sighed and said, "Well, all i can say is that... I'm a human but with a superpowers" he was surprised that i had superpowers.

"How many powers do you have?" he asked, i took a deep breath and sighed because he's gonna be surprised of how many powers i have, "Well... I have..." i paused and look at him, he was waiting for me to answer, "I have... Almost all of the powers" i continue, he was so surprised, "You had what!?" he shouts in surprise, which causing me to cover my ears, "Ow..." i said, i knew he would be surprised, he realized of what he did, "Sorry, i was so surprised" he said in a lower voice and soft tone.

I chuckled as i pulled away both of my hands, "It's fine, i'm used to it as well" i said, he nodded and give me a thumbs up, i give him a thumbs up as well and smile at him. He then turn away and look at something, "We're almost there" he said, i look down and saw 5 Cameraman's on top of the building, "Are they your friends? Or your team?" i pretend to be confused by asking him, he answered, "I can say both, they're my friends and my team" i nodded before looking back at them, three Cameraman's were chatting while two Cameraman's were relaxing.

"Hey, Al?" Titan Cameraman said, i hummed in response as i look at him, "Is it okay if i close my hand? I don't know how will they react when they saw you... Because you're a human" he said, i was so confused and curious as well, "Did something happened between you guys and the humans?" i asked, he looked away and he seemed... Sad... I was going to apologize but he cut me off, "Sort of... They... Hurt us... They hurt our feelings..." he said in a sad tone, i gasped in shocked, 'How could they...?' i said in thoughts.

"I'm sorry that i asked, you don't need to continue to tell me if you don't want to" i said, he was kinda surprised which caused him to look back at me, he chuckled and said, "Thanks" i smiled and nodded, "And... yes, Titan Cameraman, you can close your hand" i said, he nodded and slowly close his hand without squishing me.

Titan Cameraman's P.O.V:
After i close my hand without squishing her, i landed to the ground slowly and safely, my friends saw me and they came to me, "Hey, Titan Cameraman!" one of them greet me as he waves his hand, i wave back at him, "Where have you been?" one of them asked, i look at my right hand before looking back at them, "Let's just say that... I save someone" i said, they were surprised but scared and sad as well.

"Oh..." one of them said as he looked away in sadness and the others did the same as him, and i know why because back from the past, every time we save a human, they didn't even say "Thank you" and we get nothing but another pain because they always called us "Monsters" or "Freaks", i shook my head because i want to forget about it, "Hey, it's okay, guys. I assured you that she's different than the rest of them" i told them, which makes them surprised a little and looked at me.

"She? And... You really think so?" one of them asked, i can hear his sadness tone a little, i nodded as i placed my right hand on top of the building which caused them to step back, "Guys... Meet Alyssa" i introduced her as i slowly open my hand to reveal her.

Alyssa's P.O.V:
After he opened his hand, i look at them as i smiled and wave at them, "Hello! Like he said, i'm Alyssa but call me Al or Lyss or Lisa for short" i said to them, they were kinda surprised as they looked at each other before looking back at me, "And you are?" i asked, one of them chuckled nervously and said, "We don't have a name but you can call us 'Cameraman'" i jump off of Titan Cameraman's hand and look at them, "I can see why, all of your heads are cameras" i said as i point at their head.

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