Mountain Rescue

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Newton's POV

Once we got to the other side of the portal, Rexa was surprised to see the place we're at is full of bamboo and placed her hand on one as I said "mystery mountain is full of magic, it's beautiful, right?" Rexa then nodded yes and headed towards to look at the statues that are at the sides of the stairs curious about them until Owlette said "I'd give you a tour of the mountain, but we have no time to waste, we have to get to the pagoda, fast." Owlette and Eagle Owl then flew high into the sky towards the top of mystery mountain as I picked Rexa up into my arms and followed from behind, as we were flying to the top of mystery mountain, I noticed some Ninjalinos at points of the stairs and started throwing sticky splats at us as I shouted "incoming splat!" me, Owlette and Eagle Owl began dodging the sticky splats that were thrown at us, but there were too many Ninjalinos and we got hit with sticky splat and landed on the ground except for Rexa since I protected her from the sticky splat while her suit saved her from the fall with how poofy it is, but she was unable to get back on her feet due to it as Owlette said "at least she's okay." but then the Ninjalinos jumped out of nowhere and began rolling us up the stairs while one of the Ninjalinos dragged Rexa along by the tail, once they got use to the gates at the top of the mountain, the gates for us to see Night Ninja has An Yu's staff and the strange item from the museum, it turned out to be an amulet as I wondered what it is as Night Ninja said "well well well, look who we have here, Owlette, her Owl Rider, Newton Star and... who's the one in the dino costume?" I turned my head to Rexa to see she was trying to get back up by rolling back and forth while some of the Ninjalinos were laughing from it as I said "that's Rexa, she only got her suit today." Night Ninja then laughed about it as he walked to the middle of the pathway and used An Yu's staff to make some wind blow by for something to slide behind Night Ninja only for us to gasp from seeing An Yu frozen in ice with Night Ninja saying "surprised? With the amulet of ice, I was able to freeze An Yu and take her staff, now to deal with you." Night Ninja then aimed the amulet at us making us panic and try to struggle out of our sticky splat traps while Rexa started to roll herself faster until she managed to start leaning back onto her feet only to start rolling like a ball towards Night Ninja making him jump in fright and about to run only to get rolled over by Rexa as she slammed into the ice An Yu is frozen in and broke it apart freeing An Yu who landed on her left foot in a calm state which made Night Ninja worried.

Owlette's POV

With how Rexa was able to free An Yu, she was able to get back up onto her feet with An Yu's help, Night Ninja then got back up and started shooting ice from the amulet at An Yu who kept dodging the ice blasts while Rexa backed up from the first one and rolled backwards into a vase making it fly into the air and land on her head getting it stuck, An Yu kept dodging the ice blasts as she pulled the sticky splats off of me, Newton and Eagle Owl freeing us as we began to hold off the Ninjalinos for An Yu to try and get close to Night Ninja as she said "stop this now, Night Ninja, before you get yourself frozen." but Night Ninja kept shooting ice blasts at An Yu while saying "ha! Like that would happen, without your staff, you are powerless!" but what he didn't know is Rexa was moving around blindly trying to get the vase off her head while she was able to hear what Night Ninja said and got close to him and began to feel her way to try and get to him until she felt the staff Night Ninja is holding and grabbed it making Night Ninja drop the amulet trying to pull the staff away from Rexa while the amulet rolled on the floor only to be caught by An Yu who then used it to freeze Night Ninja in place as Rexa stumbled back a bit with An Yu's staff in her hand, the Ninjalinos then panicked, grabbed their frozen leader and ran away from the pagoda screaming in Ninjalino, An Yu then walked over to Rexa and helped her stay in place as she took her staff back saying "thank you, if you hadn't come, Night Ninja would've been able to take control of the mountain" me and Newton then came over and started pulling the vase off of Rexa's head as I said "yeah, her first nighttime mission and she was able to stop a nighttime villain's plan after it started, thank you..." but when me and Newton got the vase off Rexa's head, I became shocked letting out a gasp from seeing the mask torn and saw who Rexa a.k.a Ashley really is as I shouted "Carly!?"

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