Chapter 12 - Playdate

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What did one wear to a playdate with a new Little friend and maybe-girlfriend, who's family had once hired Ava as a house sitter for far too much money? If there was a right answer to that question, Ava hadn't figured it out. With input from Oliver, she'd gone with a shirt who's sleeves and trim were bright pink, with a flamingo printed on the white front. There was no padding under her jeans – something Ava considered a bit of a test. Intrigued, Oliver had asked her who the test was for. Ava hadn't had an answer for that either, much to her friend's amusement.

To no one's surprise, Ava's knock on Briana's door was met by the fiery Little squealing in delight as she threw the door open. Briana was in her trademark Rainbow Brite meets Punky Brewster fusion style. Though there was no tutu involved in the outfit, surprisingly, Briana was wearing hotpants, tights, and socks, all in different colors. Her white shirt embroidered with the word Princess in pink was a little on the nose – but then again, Briana seemed to live on the nose.

The house itself was much more Briana's Mom's style, a creaky old faux-Victorian that Ava was instantly amused by. I get it, Rasmussens, you like old stuff. While it certainly looked cozy and well cared for, it also looked like a place in which Ava would need to maneuver carefully.

"Hi Briana."

"Ava! Come in, ohmygosh come in!" Briana bounced in frustrated hyperactivity. Her desire to bodily yank Ava through the doorway was graven on every inch of her being.

It was super sweet that Briana kept her hands to herself, letting Ava navigate her crutches over the unfamiliar threshold. Equally sweet was the way that Briana threw herself on Ava for a hug as soon as the Indian girl was inside and stable. She's figuring it out fast. Ava thought happily. Putting her trust in Briana, Ava leaned into the hug until the snuggly girl was her support. The front room of the house looked like it took up most of the building, with a vaulted ceiling at second story height and furniture used to outline separate living and dining areas. Though welcoming, the house's décor had a definite vibe of big people stuff that kids shouldn't touch.

Over Briana's shoulder – or her head, really – Ava blushed to see that they had an audience. The Little girl's mom and her aunt Rosa were sitting in the living room with fond expressions on their faces. She felt an extra burn in her cheek when Veronica met her gaze. This is so awkward – I can't believe I let her change my diaper. Ava's eyes slid off Veronica's usual black outfit to the orange, black, and pink athleticwear Rosa was wearing.

It'd been a while since Ava had seen anyone so aggressively gay, outside of a Pride parade. Her usual instinct to toss a bit of snark Rosa's way was thwarted by the mood that had been building since she'd donned a Little outfit. With a soft cough, Ava nodded to the two women. "Hi Ms. Rasmussen and um – Ms. um – uh..."

"You can just call me Rosa." Rosa laughed. "And you should probably call this one Veronica."

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking, it's just that this is supposed to be a playdate and um..." Ava's spiral into an embarrassment singularity was cut short by a reassuring squeeze from Briana.

"She can call Mom whatever she wants, right Mom? Ava's feeling Little right now, you have to be nice to her." Briana turned around and stamped her foot, while keeping a firm grip on Ava's waist.

"Ms. Rasmussen is fine, or even 'Briana's Mom' if you're feeling especially Little." Veronica smiled softly.

"You can call me Tia Rosa then if you want to be formal." Rosa shrugged. "I'm not up for being Ms. Anybody."

"Okay – Tia Rosa." Ava squirmed awkwardly. Far from pushing her out of the Little mood she'd built up on the drive over, the discomfort felt like it put her perfectly in her place. Her introduction to the household was every bit as clumsy as meeting friend's families had been as a kid.

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