Chapter 3: Persephone ۵♡۵

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Persephone Ruthberg ۵۵

As I followed Marcus up the steps, I had finally gained my composure. I had a smile on my face bright enough to make it appear that I was enjoying being here.
   He let go of my hand, as he pulled open the door. At first, I thought it was his hand guiding me through the door. Then the overwhelming scent hit me; toothpaste, cologne, along with the sweet scent of honey.
     The body behind me was massive, I am sure that anyone behind him could not see me, let alone anything else he was standing in front of.
Then I felt his hot breathe hitting the back of my neck, making shivers roll down my spine.
I wanted to yank my head back to look at the man who had his hands on me, but I was afraid.

     Instead my eyes searched the room seeking out my father. I spot him, but he was currently in midst of a conversation with Cinyras Keenblade, so he was not paying attention and he had not noticed my absence yet. My mother was talking with Cinyras' wife, Metharme, the two were laughing as momma grabbed the bottle of white wine from the middle of the table and started to refill both of their glasses all the way to the top until the liquid threatened to spill over.

As I realized that no one was going to save me, I finally turned my head to look as the massive beast behind me. I felt like my heart either stopped beating or that it was beating so hard it was going to burst through my chest like an Alien from those horror movies.
He had a clean appearance, a dark suit. His eyes were almost as dark as his suit, as they stare down at me. I tried to talk, tried to yell at this man to get his hands off but nothing came out. His hair also matched the rest of his darken appearance, slicked back except for one stubborn curl that stuck to his forehead.
He had to be older than me, he looked like he was in his late twenties maybe even earlier early thirties. Such an age gap should frighten me, but instead I found myself stuck in place unable to break his gaze.

Then I felt it, his cock pressing into the rump of my ass, arousal flooded through me as I bit down hard on my bottom lip, so much so, I am surprised I did not draw blood. I could feel the dampness of my underwear as my cunt throbbing desperately wanting to find his covered erection.
Then he spoke, and it only added to my arousal, I am sure this if I managed to slip my hand into my dress that my fingers would become so slick I could easily slid a finger inside.
But I never did, I never even touched myself. The most I have done was grind against a pillow until the orgasm blinded my eyes. I am inexperienced at all sexual activities. I was still a virgin, I had never seen an actual dick in person besides in Movies and TV. My lips have never touched another, the most I have done was hold hands with a crush on the playground when I was seven.
In this moment, I wanted to learn every trick in the book for the man before me. I knew he was experienced. I knew he could show me a world I have never seen. I knew he could make me cum over and over again until my vision was black and my whole body limp.

"Excuse me, Miss." His voice was rough, grunted as he spoke. It was deep as well, telling of the age that I had suspected he must be. Then he gave my body a push, forcing me forward before he walked passed me as if our small interaction had never happened.
My eyes burned holes in the back of his head as I watched him stalk away, meeting a female who waved him over. Jealously bubbled in my gut, why was he pressing his hard cock into my ass if he came here with someone? She was gorgeous bright red hair pulled into a tight bun, a nice rolled up dress shirt and a tight mini skirt to match. My cheeks flushed a envious red. I do not even know him, but I felt the need to make my way over to him, but my feet would not move, still grounded in the doorway where he had left me.
"Persephone?" I heard Marcus say, as he gave my body a small shake, causing me to look over at him, snapping me out of my haze.
Once I looked at him, he squeezed my arms, "Your parents are-" he started as I turned my head in their direction. My father must have finished his conversation with Cinyras and was walking towards me. His face was unhappy a pissed off expression written all over it.
He grabbed my arm so hard I flinched,
"Ow, Papa!" I told him, he gave me a look that demanded my silence and I corporate, but my eyes went back to the man who had caused my father to come and find me. I watched as he brought the glass of liquor to his lips, as it only took two sips before all that was left in the glass was two ice cubes.
     I could tell he must have been drinking for years now as he did not even react as his Adam's apple bobbed while he downed the drink.

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