Chapter 11: Persephone ۵♡۵

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Persephone Ruthberg ۵۵

    My feelings for Hades were unexplainable. I craved him every second of the day, my heart warms every night whenever I feel the bed dip signaling that he crawled in. The first night, he snuck in; I did not notice. Then as the nights grew on, I became aware of the sliver of light from the hallway as he opened the door attempting to not let that much light in, but because of his wide frame he had to open it enough for him to squeeze through.
    I dreamt about him, they were never nightmares. Once it was our wedding day and we made love until the next morning. The next time it was us walking down the beach, I was holding the hand of our first son as he walked, Hades was carrying our second daughter on his hip, and my other hand was resting on my swollen belly. All of our kids seemed to be close in age.

     The day that I watched the news and saw my Momma and Papa heard their voice. I did my best to stay strong, I did not want to cry in front of Hades, but more than that I did not want to cry in front of Hecate. Her and I have become extremely close; she was the girl I wish I had with me by my side in high school. She started buying clothes that she thought I would actually like.         However, I still always ended up wearing Hades' clothes. I could not keep it together whenever I had heard my father's voice; how he knew I had been kidnapped, how he did not believe my letter. He was right, at the time I wrote that letter I was forced, I had no connection or feelings to the words that I wrote on the paper I was simply doing what I had been told to do.
If I sat in front of my father today, that story would have changed. Did I love Hades? I could not say that yet, but I felt something so strongly for him that I have never felt for any one in my life, possibly even felt deeper than I had for my own parents and that was truly terrifying.
     The promises that he made of the things that he would do if anyone harmed me, if anyone even looked at me too long should have made me run away or at least stick it out until I got to see my parents and tell them everything, but I could not do that. I do not want to live a life without Hades in it despite how he came into my life. It was not only just Hades now it was Hecate too, if I lost Hades I knew in return I lost Hecate despite how close her and I have become over these weeks at the end of the day I know that she would choose Hades without hesitation.

     Then the sex we had afterwards was enough to make me never want to leave, it was intimate as if he was stamping all of those spoken words making me feel them to believe them and I did. Every. Single. Word. My brain still had not wrapped around the fact that he had broken Adonis' fingers though I was not any better I slapped him with all of the force I could bring myself to muster up, but I did not mess up his hands that he worked with every day. God, I wonder what his father thought about that, I knew Hades could not just get away with something like that, right?
     Did Adonis even know who Hades was? Could they not have put together the pieces at this point? There are only so many men that look like me him that would be attending that party.
The next morning, I had not seen Hades and Hecate all day, they were both locked in his office I tried to ease drop, but those walls were soundproof I could not even hear so much as a muffled word.

     When it was time for dinner, I was sitting on the couch snacking on a bowl of grapes when they both walked into the room causing my head lift looking at both of them. Hecate disappeared off into the kitchen mumbling something about finding leftovers in the fridge for us to eat as Hades made his way over to me on the couch, he sat down next to me as I offered the bowl out to him. A hint of a smile appeared on his lips as he plucked one, but instead of putting it in his own mouth, he offered it to me. I smiled and took bite of half of it, as he popped the remainder of it into his own mouth, before he leaned back on the couch.
      "We will be meeting your parents tomorrow." He told me, and I felt my heart squeeze. He had promised me that this would happen, but I still was not mentally or physically prepared to see them, I was at a lost of words and he knew it so he kept talking,
     "We will be meeting them at one our safe houses, I will have guards there. We have demanded no police." He explained, and I just listened the grapes I had in my hand before had dropped back into the bowl as the bowl now rested sideways threatening to tumble over on to my lap and the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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