The Relentless Spider-Sin

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[Earth-3015 Night]

A world with a lower saturation the lights of New York aren't as bright here in comparison to other worlds...The streets weren't safe at night but was that anything new? A man runs through an alley as the sound of webs follows behind him! He falls over a trash can and picks himself up sweating badly, his heart racing and his legs moving on instinct he breaks down the door of a run-down apartment...


He jumps as an entire dumpster is tossed through the building! He runs up the stairs having no other choice. There was a dark silhouette climbing up the building some type of monster as he continued running he found himself hiding in a bedroom...


A body is thrown through the window and the man freezes in place. Standing up was a woman covered in a  black and red costume with a large spider across her hoodie...Her lenses shined red in the dark as the man began to cry out she grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall!

Man: W-wait! Wait!


In one clean strike, she punches his face to paste instantly killing him...

The scene of his blood dripping off her fist transitions into a young man pouring cranberry juice. A tall Indian guy with long dreads.

Ms.Panick: Malcolm did you even sign up for classes yet?!

Malcolm: Nothin' really callin' to me...

Ms.Panick: You have to be kidding. you're not a little high schooler anymore! You have to decide on what you wanna be in life or I'm kicking you out!

Malcolm: Tsk...Yeeeeah I hear ya!

Ms.Panick: Pandora! I know you didn't leave these dishes in the sink!

The girl in question takes out her headphones knowing she was in trouble she walks out of her room and comes down the stairs.

Pandora: I forgot...

Ms.Panick: You don't do anything all day but sit in your room, what are you doing so important that you forget basic chores?!

Pandora doesn't answer instead getting right to it as she puts her headphones back on listening to "Lucky You-Eminem".

Ms.Panick: Ugh...I...I have to go to work I'll be back soon.

Malcolm: You been going to work really early lately?... What's that about?

Ms.Panick: Nothing to be concerned about just worry about cleaning this house before I get back.

Malcolm: Got it...

Ms.Panick: And Mal! No-

Malcolm: No more weed or I'll kick you out...Yeah, I'm clean ma.

Ms.Panick: I'm watching you, Pandora watch him!

Pandora: Gotchu ma!

Ms. Panick gets her stuff together putting on her makeup a little more heavily before heading out the door with a loud slam.

Malcolm: God she's in a mood today, yo sis do grown women go through periods too?

Pandora: What the fuck man?... She's just stressed cause you sit around all day while she works.

Malcolm: Same old, same old... I ain't gettin' into somethin' imma regret like she did. Fuckin' IT worker playin' into the stereotype and shit.

Pandora: Tsk, deadbeat...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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