[garden at Gemma's house; Gemma, Cady, Sophie and M3GAN sitting at the table, Sophie and M3GAN playing]
M3GAN\Sophie: One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war.
[Cady rolling her eyes]
Sophie: Your thumb's so slippery.
Gemma: Sophie, you should have some of your hot dog before it gets too cold.
Sophie: Come on, thumb, come on.
Gemma: Sophie. Your hot dog.
[Sophie and Cady eating their hot dogs]
Gemma: Hey, I'm sorry about today, girls. I shouldn't have put you in that position if you weren't feeling up to it.
Cady: It's okay, Gemma. I'm fine now.
Sophie: It worked out, didn't it?
M3GAN: Three, two, one, I win!
Sophie: Hey!
Gemma: Well, anyway, I just wanted to say that... hey, hey! M3GAN, turn off.
Cady (whispering): Finally.
Sophie: Why did you do that? M3GAN, turn on.
Gemma: Because I'm trying to have a conversation with you and your sister. M3GAN, turn off. Just give me one minute. I know that this, um, hasn't been easy for either of us. This transition. But if you ever need to talk about any of this stuff...
Sophie: I already did talk about it.
Gemma: Yeah, but M3GAN's not a person, Sophie, she's a toy.
Sophie: You don't get to say that.
Gemma: What?
Sophie: I said I don't want to talk about it. I want to turn M3GAN back on. M3GAN, turn on.
M3GAN: What's up?
Sophie: So, there's this new game called "tic-tac-toe". You put your hand like this.
M3GAN: Mm-hm.
Sophie: Go like this, this.
[Cady looking at Gemma bored, M3GAN and Sophie continue to play, Gemma thinking]
M3GAN: Sophie James [1]
FanfictionThis is the first part of "Sophie James" dilogy. Hope you enjoy it, guys! Sophie James is a 10-year old girl living in Seattle. She's the daughter of Nicole James and Ryan James and the elder sister of Cady James. When Cady and Sophie's parents die...