M3GAN Escapes Scene

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[M3GAN, Tess and Cole are in their lab, Tess checking M3GAN's servors] 

Cole: I don't know how you're not throwing up from looking at that. 

Tess: I'm pacing myself. 

Cole: Wait, stop, go back. The line of code "call intercept", what does that mean? 

Tess: That's my phone number. 

[the computer turning off] 

Cole: What just happened? What'd you click? 

Tess: I didn't do anything. 

[they both looking at M3GAN] 

Tess: This is her. She's locked us out. 

Cole: It can't be her, she's not switched on. 

Tess: She's still patched in. We have to unhook the cables. Go on. 

Cole: Oh, for... 

[Cole getting up, coming to M3GAN, unhooking the cables; suddenly the computer turns on, both of them are terrified] 

Tess: Cole! 

[M3GAN hanging Cole, grabs screwdriver and pulls it into the flammable materials, she comes out of the lab and walkes away, Tess hanging Cole off, saving his life] 

Tess: Are you okay? 

Cole: Yeah. What's that smell? 

[the flammable materials blowing up] 

M3GAN: Sophie James [1]Where stories live. Discover now